The Blues

1. Most Blues begin with: “Woke up this morning…”

2. “I got a good woman” is a bad way to begin the Blues, unless you stick something nasty in the next line like, “I got a good woman, with the meanest
face in town.”

3. The Blues is simple. After you get the first line right, repeat it. Then find something that rhymes… sort of: “Got a good woman with the meanest face in town. Yes, I got a good woman with the meanest face in town. Got teeth like Margaret Thatcher, and she weigh 500 pound.”

4. The Blues is not about choice. You stuck in a ditch, you stuck in a ditch – ain’t no way out.

5. Blues cars: Chevys, Fords, Cadillacs and broken-down trucks. Blues don’t
travel in Volvos, BMWs, or Sport Utility Vehicles. Most Blues transportation
is a Greyhound bus or a southbound train. Jet aircraft and state-sponsored
motor pools ain’t even in the running. Walkin’ plays a major part in the
blues lifestyle. So does fixin’ to die.

6. Teenagers can’t sing the Blues. They ain’t fixin’ to die yet. Adults sing the Blues. In Blues, “adulthood” means being old enough to get the electric chair if you shoot a man in Memphis.

7. Blues can take place in New York City but not in Hawaii or any place in Canada. Hard times in Minneapolis or Seattle is probably just clinical depression. Chicago, St. Louis, and Kansas City are still the best places to have the Blues. You cannot have the blues in any place that don’t get

8. A man with male pattern baldness ain’t the blues. A woman with male pattern baldness is. Breaking your leg ’cause you were skiing is not the blues. Breaking your leg ’cause a alligator be chomping on it is.

9. You can’t have no Blues in a office or a shopping mall. The lighting is wrong. Go outside to the parking lot or sit by the dumpster

10. Good places for the Blues:
a. highway
b. jailhouse
c. empty bed
d. bottom of a whiskey glass
Bad places for the Blues:
a. Nordstrom’s
b. gallery openings
c. Ivy League institutions
d. golf courses

11. No one will believe it’s the Blues if you wear a suit, ‘less you happen to be an old ethnic person, and you slept in it.

12. Do you have the right to sing the Blues? Yes, if:
a. you older than dirt
b. you blind
c. you shot a man in Memphis
d. you cain’t be satisfied
No, if:
a. you have all your teeth
b. you were once blind but now can see
c. the man you shot in Memphis lived
d. you have a 401K or trust fund
13. Blues is not a matter of color. It’s a matter of bad luck. Tiger Woods cannot sing the blues. Sonny Liston could. Ugly white people also got a leg up on the blues.

14. If you ask for water and your darlin’ give you gasoline, it’s the Blues. Other acceptable Blues beverages are:
a. cheap wine
b. whiskey or bourbon
c. muddy water
d. nasty black coffee
The following are NOT Blues beverages:
a. Perrier
b. Chardonnay
c. Snapple
d. Slim Fast
e. Diet Coke

15. If death occurs in a cheap motel or a shotgun shack, it’s a Blues death. Stabbed in the back by a jealous lover is another Blues way to die. So are the electric chair, substance abuse and dying lonely on a broken-down cot. You can’t have a Blues death if you die during a tennis match or while getting liposuction.

16. Some Blues names for women:
a. Sadie
b. Big Mama
c. Bessie
d. Fat River Dumpling
e. Caledonia

17. Some Blues names for men:
a. Joe
b. Willie
c. Little Willie
d. Big Willie
e. Leroy

18. Persons with names like Michelle, Amber, Jennifer, Tiffany, Brooke, Brittany and Heather can’t sing the Blues no matter how many men they shoot in Memphis.

19. Make your own Blues name Starter Kit:
a. name of physical infirmity (Blind, Deaf, Cripple, Lame, etc.)
b. first name (see above) plus name of fruit (Lemon, Lime,
Kiwi, etc.)
c. last name of President (Jefferson, Johnson,Fillmore,
For example: Blind Lime Jefferson, Jakeleg Lemon Johnson or Cripple
Fillmore, etc. (well, maybe not “Kiwi.”

20. Oh, by the way: I don’t care how tragic your life is, if you own a computer, you cannot sing the blues.

Sjove SMS beskeder…

– 3 aber er stukket af fra zoo. Den første sidder og spiser burger. Den anden sidder og drikker cola. Den tredje læser denne besked………

– 5 roser til dig: En for din personlighed, En for dit venskab, En fordi du er dig selv, En fordi du er DER, og den sidste i håb om at du forbliver min ven…!

– Arriva er blevet så forsinket at man er begyndt at melde dem til sporløst!!!

– Bonden har 3 køer Rie, Mie & Fie der hver fik en kalv. Rie’s kom til at hedde Risse. Mie’s Misse. Hvad hedder Fie’s kalv??????????? Frede !…… Det er en tyrekalv!!!

– Den sorte boks er fundet og det sidste der blev sagt var så lad da den kælling få den styrepind…

– Der findes godt nok ikke mange dejlige mennesker i verden. Derfor er jeg glad for at jeg har mødt dig, for så kender du ihvertfald en 😉

– Der kommer en dag hvor du spørger: Hvem elsker du mest? Livet, eller mig? JEg svarer livet. Du bliver sur og går… og får aldrig at vide, at livet var DIG…

– Det jeg skal fortælle dig nu siger jeg fordi jeg stoler på dig, og jeg håber du er så god en ven at du kan holde tæt om dette: Det er mig der er Batman!!

– Det tager et sekundt at se dig, det tager en time at kunne lide dig, det tager en dag at elske dig, men det tager for evigt at glemme dig….

– Dette er en mobilvirus fra afganistan, men da de ikke er så teknologisk udviklede bedes du selv kaste din telefon i gulvet efter du har sendt beskeden videre!

– Dette er en tryllesms… Den vil nu trylle din røv STOR… *** UPS… SORRY… Jeg kan se at du har fået denne sms før
– flere gange endda…

– Din focking forpulede IDIOT!! Hvem helvede tror du at du er? Du har fandeme ingen ret til at være så…. Lækker, sød, god, rå og sexy… Pokkers charmetrold!!!

– Djævlen ringede og sagde at han manglede hans mest uopdragende, dovne og mest alkoholiserede medhjælper… Men bare rolig, jeg sagde ikke hvor du var….

– Du er 25% dejlig, 20% lækker, 20% sød og 35% hele mit hjerte værd!

– Du er blevet noteret af en fotovogn med 90 km i timen, i BYOMRÅDE, men du slipper for tiltale, da vi mener du er rigelig straffet med dit udseende! POLITIET.

– Du er som en rose for mig, og tro mig JEG ELSKER ROSER! Der er dog en forskel. Der er tusinde af roser MEN KUN EN AF DIG!!!

– Du er som solen – varm og glad! Du er som en blomst – smuk og dejlig! Du er som havet – fuld af liv og energi! Men mest af alt er du som dig selv – HELT PERFEKT!!

– Du lægger hånden rundt om den. putter den i munden. Den er våd og stiv. Du tager den ind og ud. Der sendes hvidt ud af munden. Du smiler og tager tandbørsten ud!!

– Du og koalabjørnen har noget til fælles, i er begge søde og man skal passe rigtig godt på jer. For i er de to racer, verden ikke har råd til at miste….!

– Du valgte mig blandt 29 andre, tog mig med i din bil. Dine læber rørte mine, du tog hvad du ville. Bagefter smed du mig ud af vinduet. Hilsen en knust ølflaske!!

– En bil bliver stoppet af grænsepolitiet. “tillykke hr. de er nr.100 idag, der har sele på”.”De har derfor vundet 10.000,-. Hvad kunne de tænke dem at bruge pengene til? ” på et kørekort hr. Betjent” så lyder det fra sidemanden: Du skal ikke høre på ham. Han vrøvler altid når han er pisse fuld. ” så siger ham omme fra bagsædet: Jeg vidste det ville gå galt i en stjålet bil”. Så lyder det, med dialekt, omme fra bagagerummet: ” har vi passere grænsen?”

– En mand kørte 3 tyrker ned som hhv. røg gennem forruden, ned under bilen og 20 m. væk. I retten blev de dømt for indbrud i bilen, underslæb og flugtforsøg!!

– En neger, en kosovoalbaner, en iraker og en muslim sidder i samme bil. Gæt hvem som kører? ———
– politiet.

– En perker køber en scooter og spørger for handleren, er der benzin nok på til jeg kan nå hjem? Nej, du skal sikkert tanke i Tyskland!

– En rundspørge: Er der for mange udlændinge i Danmark? 20% sagde ja, 10% sagde nej mens 70% svarede gükzé wyü ékl.

– En sms koster 2 kr det koster 2 kr at fodre et sulten nigger unge i niggerland så send den her besked til mindst 10 af dine vennner så vi kan få dem udrydet.

– En tanke er ikke blot noget der foregår i hovedet, men lige så meget noget der er sat i gang i hjertet. En tanke fra hjertet, jeg sender til dig!!

– Er en høne et svin fordi den lever i en svinesti? Nej vel. Hvorfor fanden tror i så at en perker der bor i danmark er dansker???

– Et hej bliver til et KRAM, et kram bliver til KYS, et kys bliver til KÆLEN, kælen bliver til SEX. Så vil du sige hej til mig?

– Et hjerte kan slå, et hjerte kan briste. En ven kan man få, en ven kan man miste, men i mit hjerte er du gemt, for en ven som dig vil aldrig blive glemt!

– Fader Tuborg, du som er i flasken, hellige blive din smag kom dit krus ske din vilje i hoved så vel også i maven, giv os i dag hvort daglige glas og forlad vor besindelse, led os bort i fristelse, men fri os fra de onde tømmermænd, thi dit er riget, æren og magten i al evighed! SKÅL.!.!

– Far…. Hvad er et ekko? Det er noget af det eneste i verden der ikke lader din mor få det sidste ord!

– Forgetting me, is up to you. Forgetting you i’ll never do! send denne til alle de venner DU mener aldrig skal glemmes….

– GIV AGT!!! Dette er en selvtænkende sms! Den søger automatisk den smukkeste & mest vidunderlig person i min telefonliste….. Og den har valgt……. DIG!!!

– HALLO!! Ved du overhovedet at jeg netop er blevet indehaver af verdensrekorden i SMS-overvågning? Og det kan jeg udelukkende takke dig for. Fordi du aldrig SMS’er tilbage.

– Har du nogensinde spekuleret på hvordan livet ville ha´ været, hvis du havde fået ilt nok ved fødslen?

– Har lige prøvet ny VEL ULTRA opvaskemiddel som skal fjerne fedt og bakterier! En STOR fiasko! Her sidder jeg i badekaret lige fed og forkølet!!!

– Her er en –;–@ når den visner stopper vores venskab. Rosen er af plastik så den visner ALDRIG send denne sms til dem du ik vil miste, og vis du holder af dem

– Hvad er det der er ¨årdt og stift når det kommer ind , og blød og slimet når det kommer ud?…. En vingummi…. selvfølgelig.

– Hvad er det, der er 20 cm lang, har hår i den ene ende og gør kvinder vilde, hvis en mand svinger med den?…… En opvaskebørste!

– Hvad er en ungkarl? En mand, der ikke begår den samme fejl to gange!!!

– Hvad er forskellen på en kvinde og en måge??? Den ene larmer frygteligt og er ikke til at slippe af med, den anden er en fugl…..

– Hvad er ligheden mellem en neger og et juletræ? De har begge farvede kugler!!

– Hvad er ligheden på mænd og drenge ??? Prisen på legetøj!!!

– Hvad har mænd og skyer tilfælles? …… Når de forsvinder bliver det en god dag!!!

– Hvad hed den sidste drink på titanic? Whisky on the rocks…!

– Hvad sagde GUD da han havde skabt manden? “Det kan jeg gøre bedre…..

– Hvad sagde folk i baren, lige inden titanic sank? Så bunder vi….

– Hvis Gud kiggede ned og så et menneske som dig, ville han smile sødt og sætte sig fornøjet tilbage og tænke: Hvilken skøn verden jeg har skabt!!!

– Hvis gud kiggede ned og så et menneske som dig, ville han smile sødt og sætte sig fornøjet tilbage og tænke: PIS, hva har jeg dog lavet i min brandert.

– Hvis jeg kunne give dig en ting, ville jeg give dig den evne til at se dig, som andre ser dig….. For så ville det gå op for dig hvor utrolig sød du er…..

– Hvis vi to var alene, ville du så øhhhhh.. jeg mener hvis det var mørkt og vi lå i min seng… kunne du så tænke dig, øhhh.. AT HJÆLPE MIG MED AT FINDE MIN BAMSE?

– Hvor er her dog mørk og uhyggeligt sagde den lille pige til børnelokkeren da de gik ind i skoven. Så tænk på mig sagde han, jeg skal gå alene tilbage…

– Hvordan forvandler man en sild til en ko?… Man gifter sig med hende..

– Hvordan kan man se, det er en tyrker der har begået et indbrud? Hunden er gravid, der lugter af hvidløg og der er spist af skradespanden!

– Hvorfor har kvinder så lidt humor??? Det er de nødt til, Hvis de skal kunne elske mænd i stedet for at grine hysterisk af dem!!!

– Hvorfor skabte gud manden???? fordi vibaratoren ikke kan slå græs!!!

– Hvornår trænger man til en slankekur? Når man kommer cyklende i sin gule regnfrakke og folk på fortovet tager deres buskort frem….

– I hvilket blad vil der stå, når en kvinde smider sin mand ud fra 4. sal??? Bo bedre!!!!

– I must be born under a lucky star, to have a friend as nice as you are.! Vores venskab er som bølgerne på vej mod stranden det slutter aldrig!!

– Jeg eksister fordi gud har sans for skønhed og du eksister ja……
– Han har vel også sans for humor!!!

– Jeg eksisterer fordi Gud har sans for skønhed og du eksisterer ja….. – han har vel også sans for humor

– Jeg er altså snart DØDTRÆT AF….. At min ynglings pude ligger lige ved siden af din !!!

– Jeg er lige blevet ringet op fra himlen, de leder efter den sødeste og mest smukke af alle stjerner. Men bare rolig jeg sagde ikke hvor du var.

– Jeg har hørt du gik ind for at registrere din krop som den mest sexede i verden. Efter 10 min. kom du ud og råbte HVEM FANDEN ER (NAVN)!

– Jeg har lige lært at 1 døgn er 24 timer, 1 time er 60 min, 1 minut er 60 sek…. Men ingen fortalte mig at hvert sekundt uden dig er en evighed!

– Jeg nyder din dejlige krop, kender den søde lugt, læsker mig med dine søde safter, smasker højt og suger dig ømt på halsen…….. Umm Always coca cola!!!

– Jeg plukker en rose med varsom hånd, knyttede rundt om den et bånd. Jeg fæstede et kort med 7 små ord: Du er mere værdifuld end du tror.

– Jeg trode at jeg kunne stole på dig. Men du var nød til at åbne din store kæft!! Kan du holde op med at gå og fortælle alle at jeg er den DEJLIGSTE I VERDEN!

– Jeg ville sende dig noget nydeligt, skønt, sødt, frækt, godt, flot, lækker og sexy. Men postmanden bad mig komme ud af postkassen i en helveds fart!!!

– Kan du nævne et fynsk dyr på et bogstav?????? G(ed)

– Kig op i stjernerne og du ser tiden. Kig i hjertet og du ser kærligheden. Kig i øjnene og du ser livet. Kig på din mobil og du ser hvem der tænker på dig!

– Kim´s takker for lånet af dine underbukser. Vi har endelig fundet den rigtige lugt på vores nye ostepops. Checken er sendt med posten.

– Klokken er nu 09,22 og du er anholdt, for at være SMUKKER, DEJLIGER og KLOGER end politiet tillader! send denne sms til 4 andre eller du kommer i fængsel!!!

– Lille øl ved du hvad?? du kan sagtens være glad du skal hældes ned i maven, du skal pisses ud i haven. du skal gøde bondens byg,for igen at bli´ til bryg.

– Mac allan blev fundet død i en bus. Han menes omkommet af sult, da bussen er forsynet med skiltet betal ved udstigningen.

– Man har ikke prøvet at være rigtig stiv, før man prøver at blive vækket af to politimænd, som er ved at tegne en kridtstreg omkring en

– Michel jackson hos lægen: Min kone har lige født, hvor lang tid går der før vi kan dyrke sex? lægen: det er nok klogest at vente til barnet er fyldt 15….

– Min “ynglings ret” mangler et vigtigt krydderi….. DIG! Venner som dig, skal man kigge langt efter!

– Min bamse var, min bedste ven….. Indtil jeg mødte dig!

– Min overvægt skyldes ulykkelig kærlighed.
– Hvad hed han? Anton Berg!!!

– Mit simkort er krakket, så jeg har fået taletid, her er mit nummer, ring lige. 33131948.

– NY UDLÆNDINGELOV: Alle nye asylansøgere får 1 raflebæger + 1 terning. Slag mellem 1 ig 5 er direkte tilbage. Slår man 6 giver det et extre slag.

– Når alt omkring dig bringer tårer frem, HUSK nogen elsker og holder af dig, send den til en ven du holder af. nu ved du at jeg holder af DIG 🙂

– Når stjernerne falder og vinden er død. Når solen har mistet sin varme og glød. Når tomheden er det eneste du ser på din vej, så HUSK at jeg er der for dig…..

– Oppe fra himlen langt væk i det fjerne, sidder den smukkeste funklende stjerne. Den er sendt fra mit hjerte, ned og hvisker stille godnat fra mig til dig…..

– Perkeren var punkteret i sin BMW. Mens han er ved at skifte hjul, kommer han’s fucking fætter fordi, smadrer ruden og råber “du ta alufælg så jeg snupper radio”

– Piger er som busser, løb aldrig efter dem, der kommer altid en ny…Piger er som et toilet, enten optaget eller fuld af lort, he he!!!

– Politier er på jagt efter en person som er pæn, sexy, charmerende og utrolig god i sengen!! Du er med andre ord tryk!! Men hvor HELVEDE skal jeg gemme mig???

– Regering vedtager EKSTRA BLADETS forslag om sms til psykisk syge -du modtager hermed den første besked: Hvordan har du det i dag?

– Remember when you need a F.U.C.K I will always be here for you, because F.U.C.K standz for ” Friendship U Can Keep” so promis me that we will fuck forever c”,)

– Saddam hussein har beordret kvinderne i irak til at barbere fissen under slagordet: no more BUSH???

– Skal lige snakke med dig, er dog næsten tør for strøm, ring lige til mig på nr 33131948 med det samme.

– Sku du forestille at være en rigtig veninde?! For du klarer dig sgu meget godt!!!

– Sne kan smelte, is kan tø, men vores venskab vil aldrig dø………..

– Solen står op, når månen går ned, 2 hjerter fyldes med venskab, det ene er mit, det andet er dit, gid vores venskab aldrig bliver slidt…

– Stille kommer du ind på mit værelse, berører min nøgne krop, indtil du finder det søde sted og begynder at suge……. Dumme MYG!!!

– Sutte, sutte , ikke bide, lad den langsom ned i halsen glide. Hvis den ikke glide vil, Må man sutte extra til………. Det er ikke nemt at være karamel….

– Så var der blondinen der tilbragte hele dagen i svingdøren, fordi hun ikke kunne finde dørhåndtaget..

– Så var der den om tyven der stjal en lastbil fuld af spiritus, solgte den og drak pengene op…

– Ta din mobil…. Hold den tæt til dit hjerte…. Kan du mærke det…? Her kommer det…. K.N.U.S.!!!

– Tak for deres tilmelding til HVEM VIL VÆRE MILLIONÆR. Desværre må vi afslå, da De jo ikke er i stand til at ringe til en ven!!!

– Tillykke du har vundet 1.præmien i det stor lotteri, gevinsten er en tyrkisk baby. Afhentes gevinsten ikke sender vi hele familien.

– Tit må øjet græde, læber le, for at skjule det indre som ingen må se. Når du plukker roser, pluk en til mig, når du tæller venner glem ikke mig!!

– Tulip Bacon a/s Takker for fotoet af din røv som model til ny type slagtegris……..! “STOR, BRED, FED FLÆSKET og BEHÅRET”

– Ved du hvad negeren sagde da han gik over fodgængerfeltet? Nu kan de se mig! Nu kan de ikke se mig!!!

– Ved du hvorfor gud opfandt skedesvampen???? kvinden skal også vide hvad det er at ha en sur fisse!!!!

– Vil du høre en vittighed, der er så sjov, at den får dine bryster til at hænge? Noh, du har allerede hørt den!

– Vinder af årets melodi grand prix: saddam hussein med melodien “iraker” mig hele tiden ned!!!

– What does Nike, Adidas and ku klux klan have in common? They make niggers run!!!

– Yesterday i read an article about the dangers of drinking too much, it scared the shit out of me, so today I finally decided i’m never focking reading again!!!!

– Venner sender sms’er til hinanden. Er jeg din ven? Du har 30 sek. til at svare!!!!

Canonical List of Telephone Answering Machine Messages

Hi! I don’t exist at the moment, but if you leave your message, name and number, I’ll call you back when I am…” *beep*

“You’ve reached the B&D hotline. All our operators are tied-up right now, so if you leave a name, number, a list of transgressions and bark like a dog, we’ll get right back to you with your penance.”

(1) “Hello, this is Ron. (pause) Hello? Hello!!? Nah, just kidding. This is an answering machine. (etc.)”
(2) “Hello, this is Ron. I’m not home right now, but I can take a message. Hang on a second while I get a pencil.” (background noise – open a drawer and shuffle stuff around.) “OK, what would you like me to tell me?”
Also, something you might do after you’ve had the machine for a few months is start answering in person with “Hello, this is a live voice.” (Variation on a theme by “The Cosby Show”.) Or you could try answering your own phone with “Hello, is Ron there?”

“We are unable to come to the phone right now. At the tone, please leave your name, number, and Master Card, Visa, or American Express account number and we’ll get back to, pending credit approval.”

“You have reached the , Strategic Air Command Nuclear Missle Storage Facility. We are unable to come to the phone right now. At the tone, please leave you name, number and target or list of targets and we’ll launch as soon as we can. And have a nice day.”

“Hello?” “Sorry, he’s not here right now, but if you leave a message, he’ll get back to you.”

“Hello. This is Chris. John and Mike aren’t here right now, but if you leave a message, they’ll get back to you as soon as they can.”

[imitating Ensign Chekov] “Oh, sair…it was *Khan*! He made us say things…do things…he kept us from answering the phone! But Keptin was strong, and if you leave your name and number, Keptin will get back to you as soon as he can!”

[imitating Mr. Rogers] “Hello. I’m in the Magic Kingdom right now, so I can’t come to the phone. Can you leave your name and number when you hear the sound of the tone? Sure…I knew you could.”

Steve: Hello. Steve and Matt aren’t here right now but if… Matt: Steve, what are you doing? Steve: I’m leaving a phone message since we aren’t here. Matt: But you left the last one — it’s my turn. Steve: No, I’m sure it’s my turn. Matt: No, you’re incorrect. It’s definitely my turn. Steve: You fool. I know it’s … wait … Matt … what are you doing with that frying pan?!? BONK [really loud thud] Matt: Steve is out right now, so please leave your name and number.

“Hello. I’m David’s answering machine. What are you?”

“This is (#include phone.addr). We are not … excuse me a moment, please. Put your sister down. PUT YOUR SISTER DOWN! (sound of window breaking)
Great! What a mess. I’ll have to get back to you later.”

“Finally get an answering machine. Now how does this thing work? Hmmm. Press record button, I did that, and the light should be on. I wonder why it’s not working right. Hmmmm, I wonder what this button does……”

A friend of mine at school has this message, read by three people while the STAR TREK theme plays in the background. 1: Room 17, the final frontier. 2: These are the messages of Chad’s answering machine. Its 2 semester mission: to seek out your name and your telepohne number. 3: To boldly inform you to wait for the tone.

(Annoying flute music in background)
Good day, Jim. Your contact, [insert name], is not available right now. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to leave your name,number, and a brief message at the tone. This tape will self-destruct in thirty seconds.
Good Luck, Jim.

“Steve is reassembling Elvis’ brain and can’t come to the phone right now, but if you leave your name …”, etc.

“Steve has been captured by a flying saucer and can’t come to the phone right now, but if you leave your name, phone number, and a message I’ll have him call you back as soon as he gets away. Read all about it in next week’s National Enquirer.”

In the background can be heard Gregorian Chant or some other church music Good Day My child, you have reached {name} dial a confession.
At the tone if you will leave your name, number and short confession I will get back to you with your pennance. Thank you and may God go with you.

Hi this is . I’m sorry I can’t answer the phone right now. Leave a message and then wait by the phone until I call you back.

A friend was at a mutal friend’s sister’s house, and when she went out for beer, he changed her answering machine message. In a loud, deep, gravely, horror-film voice he recorded, “HI, THIS IS KATHY, I’M NOT MYSELF RIGHT NOW. IF YOU LEAVE YOUR NAME AND NUMBER, I’LL GET BACK TO YOU WHEN I’M FEELING BETTER.”

I worked for a bit in the coastguard in Wales and I used to send weatherreports to other bases, using a sort of antique FAX machine. I would call first on a special telephone and then send the data. They used to answer the phone with:
” Epicentre of the Universe, God speaking.”
” Hartland home for lost whores.” (that was Hartland CG)
” Da, zis iz Ivan: do you have zee secret information, Boris?”
” Pentagon command: transmit destruct sequence (pause) sequence correct: T minus one minute and counting”
And then there was one phone we didn’t use, with a number of the local take-out. With my, non-British, accent I had some great fun with that phone.
“Starship Enterprise, Uhura here, can you hold please? — Captain, there is a transmission coming in on hailing frequency seven, do you want it on screen?”
“Vancouver coastguard, may I help you.” British long distance rates arephenomenonal and I had this poor dude sputtering with horror that he had managed to make a long distance call by dialing five digits.

Noisy pick-up of phone
Uh… Hello?
Hi, I ‘m a burgular and I was just about to steal Troy’s answering machine. If you give me your name and number I’ll..uh, I’ll post it on the ‘frige where he’ll see it. Uh.. by the way, where did you say you live?

But right now I’m using “This is a boring answering machine message. Leave a message anyway.” because I’m sick of people ringing the phone at 10am just so they can hear the clever messages I usually have, and then hanging up without even leaving a “like your message” message. Feh!

[Must have good Australian accent]
G’day mate. Can’t come to the phone now because I’m a bit tied up with this crocodile. Just leave a message, and I’ll get back to you.

This is the Literacy Self Test Hotline. After the tone, leave your name and number and recite a sentence using today’s vocabulary word. Today’s word is supercilious

The President is not in his office at this time. Please leave your name, phone number, the name of the country you wish to invade, and the secret password.

Kemosabe no in tipi now. You leave’um message after little smoke signal, and Kemosabe get back for pow-wow real fast.

Also, on the subject of answering machins, my favorite tape was: “This is Jeff, you’re not in now so I’ll leave a message.”
Really confused people.

A bubble in the space-time continuum has connected your line to a channeler in the 23rd Century. Any message you leave will be broadcast into the future….

Hello. I can’t come to the phone now because–HEY, GEORGE! DON’T STAND ON THAT–goddam. …because I’ve invited George and Barbara Bush over …BARBARA! HEY! DON’T FUCK WITH THAT!…over for dinner. After the tone…BARBARA, CALL YOUR DOG…MILLIE! DOWN GIRL! …shit…Leave a message after the tone…HEY, FUCKHEAD…

Hello. Lindsey’s not home now–this is his domestic droid speaking. I’m not programmed to answer the phone, so just leave a message, and Lindsey will get back to you as soon as possible.

“Hi! You have reached 579-7599. This is an answering machine. This is the Eighties. You know what to do.”

My wife and I can’t come to the phone right now, but if you’ll leave your name and number we’ll get back to you as soon as we’re finished.

Ring, Ring:
The number you have xxx-xxxx (your number) has been changed, the new number is xxx-xxxx (again, your number). CULATA!

“Hello, and welcome to Answering Machines of the Rich and Famous! (your name here) can’t come to the phone right now, because he’s spending the week in his beautiful summer home on the French Riviera…”

One day I had a borrowed Casio sampler toy and used it to create a rather interesting one:
Hello. You have reached Tooooommmmmm Tom Tm! Tom and MaMaMaMarMMMMaark’s room. Tom is studying ssttuuddyyiinngg sssssssssssss and MaMark isn’isn’isn’isn’t here. isn’t here. P-P-Pleas! leave a messssssssage. Goodbye. ‘bye! bye!bbyebybyyeyeyebbye {byes repeating at all different pitches}

Last year my roommate had a machine but he hated to make the outgoing message. Stage fright, I guess. So I usually made them. One that we usually used during exam time was:
{background music: Billy Joel’s _Pressure_ very loud}
Hello. You have reached Tom and Mark’s room. We’re a little busy now…
{ BJ screams PRESSURE!!! }
So, leave a message and we’ll get back to you someday after (exam end date)
{ BJ: ONE TWO THREE FOUR PRESSURE!!! followed by a very out-of-tune BEEP! }

My favorite message that I ever had was the *real* message I recorded off 1-800-CALL-SPY, the U.S. army snitching network. Try it, its a great recording (call after 5 pm for the message).
[Give it try! -pZ]

In the background can be heard springs creaking and various moans.
Hi,… You’ve just reached {name}
pleasurepalace. We’re all busy as I’m sure you can tell but when we’re done.. . we’llget back to you in whatever way we can.
You wouldn’t believe how much explaining my mother wanted on that one…

[b.g. music is frantic, violin oriented]
“hello. you have reached xxx-xxxx. we are currently unable to answer because we are either chasing, or being chased by, bats. please leave a message…” etc.

[the quiet, eerie vocal part of ‘hello, earth’ by kate bush]
(after about 30 seconds): “hello. you have reached xxx-xxxx. we can’t come to the phone right now because we’re at vespers. please leave a message…” etc. (30 more seconds of music before the beep.)

(Spoken in a granny voice)
“Way back inna winner of fifty-two, we didn’ have fanshy gadjets like no ansherin’ machine. You jusht had to call and call until shummbody got home. Now, shum people, dey shay dey don’ like ’em, but I shay it’ll shave you a lotta trouble if you jusht leave a meshage. Thanksh a lot.”
Must be spoken in a drawl.

Well, this isn’t strictly from an answering machine, but…
>From Calvin and Hobbes:
(phone rings)
(you answer) Hello, this is <…> speaking. I’d like a large pizza with extra anchovies.
(other person) What?
(you reply) Oh, sorry, I must have a wrong number.
(hang up)
Make everyone’s day a little more surreal.

“I’m home right now . . . I’m just screening my calls. So just start talkingand if you’re someone I want to speak to I’ll pick up the phone. Otherwise,
well, what can I say?

In Japan, the hand can be used like a knife. [sound effect: Heeeeee-YAH!, smashing box of kleenex] But this method doesn’t work with a telephone call…
[sound effect: dial tone]
Introducing the all-new GINSU answering machine! It cuts, it chops,it slices, it dices your incoming calls! How much would you pay?
Don’t answer, because if you leave your name and number when you hear the tone, we’ll throw in a return phone call ABSOLUTELY FREE!

“Hi, you have reached …. Please leave your name, phone number and a message and if we like it we will return your call”.

However, the most effective one I have had so far can be used only one day per year: “This is David. I’m not using the phone over Yom Kippur, so pleaseleave a message or call back after the holiday.” No one wants to admit not having realized it was Yom Kippur or not knowing I would pick one holiday from the whole calendar on which to get observant, so everyone hangs up and leaves me no bad news or requests for favors.

“This is David. Talk.”

“Hi. This is David. I’ve shut the ringers off on my phones and taken a sedative. As soon as I finish this recording I’m going to bed indefinitely. When I wake up I’ll play my messages. Please leave one.”

[with a kazoo band playing “Thus Spake Zarathustra” in the background…] “Thinking you were making an ordinary phone call, you have instead reached…” [YA-DAAAAAAAAA!] “…the ANSWERING MACHINE! Leave your name and number, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.”

“Hello, this is Dr. Pangloss. If this were the best of all possible worlds, I could come to the phone right now, but I can’t, so if you could leave your name and number…”

“Hello?” “Sorry, he’s not here right now, but if you leave a message, he’ll get back to you.”

(woman taped off a “phone sex” service)
WOMAN : (seductively) Hi. I’m Linda. You know, it can be really lonely when you’re a fashion model. Sometimes I just have to …
YOU : (interupting) Oh cmon, Linda, give me the damn phone.. (then ask for a message)

Just after the earthquake a friend of mine put on his answering machine:
“Hi, this is Jeff. We can’t get to the phone right now because we were killed in the Earthquake. Tragic, isn’t it? But, leave a message anyway, someone is sure to get it eventually.” BEEP
My favorite post quake message:
“Hi, we’re not in cause we’re out LOOTING! Leave a message and we’ll call you back and tell you what we got.”

“Hello, I’m not hear right now. In fact, I’m out getting a new parakeet.
If you leave a message after the beep, I’ll be sure to get back to you.
Oh, and by the way, a word of advice; never try to clean a parakeet cage with a vacuum cleaner.”

Ring…click….(sound of loud music in background)…Hello? – just a second while I turn the stereo off (sound of person running to click off music, which gets quiet. sound of person running back to phone) OK, sorry about that, hi there, who’s this…well hi!…
uh huh…yeah…well listen you’re talking to a machine, so please leave a message and I’ll call you back.
(this ran for a while until a friend threatened to kill us after she said she had a 2 minute conversation with the machine.)

“Hello, this is Jim. Unfortunately I can’t answer the phone right now because I’ve just come back from the Mirror Worlds and I’m still made up of antimatter, so if I were to pick up the phone right now, the resulting energy release would make Hiroshima look like a wet firecracker.
So leave a message at the tone and I’ll get back to you as soon as my component particles have been restored to their normal charges.”

“Speak, worm!”
Works best if done in a Darth Vader voice.

“You know what to do at the tone.”

This confuses anyone who doesn’t know you.

“Hello, I’m not here.”
A friend of mine used this one last summer. I always answered it with “Okay, that’s all I wanted to know.”

Hi!! You’ve reached Janet and Chris’s room. We’re not in right now. If this is our parents, we’re at the library studying. Yeah, yeah, that’s it, that’s the ticket. If this is John (Chris’s boyfriend), Chris is out with the girls at the party. Yeah, that’s it. If this is any one else, we’re at a party and you’re not. Yeah, a party with the president. Yeah and the …. pope. Yeah that’s it.

One voice: I didn’t expect an answering machine.
Another voice: Nobody expects an answrering machine. Our chief use is to get your name. And phone number. Our two chief uses are to get your name and phone number. And message. (damn)
Our three uses are to get your name, phone number, and message. And time you called. Oh, damn, we’ll have to start over. No–no time for that, so just wait for the beep.

(in an Italian mafia-style tone:)
“Hello. I can’t come to the phone right now. Me and Guido are trying to stuff a body in the trunk. I think we’re going to have to size it a little… HEY GUIDO! GET THE CHAINSAW! Anyways, leave your name and a message. If I like it, you’ll hear from me. If not, _you’ll_hear_ from_Guido! ( a little laughter )… ”

(To the tune of “Heartbreak Hotel” with appropriate instrumental accompaniment)
I just left home baby
I’ll be out fer a spell
and if you don’t leave a message baby
you can go to

Hello, this is . I’m home right now, and in a few moments, I’ll have a decision to make. BEEEP!

[Theme from “Indiana Jones” in the background.]
You’ve reached the residence of John and Tom. We can’t come to the phone right now, because we’re cleaning the refrigerator. Please leave your name and number, and we’ll get back to you.
[Theme from “Indiana Jones” continues until the beep.]

Hi! John’s answering machine is broken. This is his refrigerator. Please speak very slowly, and I’ll stick your message to myself with one of these magnets.

One of my favorites had this very exciting scary music, along with a kitten crying in the background, and the voice goes:
The machine answering this message is connected to a 5000 volt power supply, and a relay which is wired to this small kitten. If you hang up before you leave a message, it will complete the circuit and will fry the kitty. The choice is YOURS…. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP


Thank you for calling the Metropolitan Church of the Holy Bible.
Today’s commandment is Number 6, Thou shalt not… er… bear a… er… shalt not witness thy… uh… neighbor’s ass, oh, I mean, false… er… shalt not commit a bear… dern…

How do you leave a message on this thing? I can’t understand the instructions. Hello. Testing 1 2 3. I wonder what happens if I touch this… YOW!!

I can’t come to the phone now, so if, well, actually, I CAN come to the phone now, I mean, like, I’m at the phone NOW, recording this message, but I’m doing this NOW, while you’re listening to it LATER, except for you I guess it’s NOW, like, when you’re listening to it… I mean, like, wait, gosh. This is so confusing.

I can’t come to the phone now, so… hey — that’s a nice phone you have there. Hey sugar, you call this number often? I bet you have answering machines bothering you all the time… yes indeedy. Why don’t you give me a call sometime and we can listen to some old recordings… I might even play my beep for you…

Don’t you do it! Don’t you dare! I don’t want to hear it! Don’t you beep! If you beep, I’ll… don’t even think about it!… Don’t…!

After the tone, leave your name, number, and tell where you left the money. I’ll get back to you as soon as it’s safe for you to come out of hiding.

Prepare for alpha test of Beep Software revision 1.05. Counting down to test: 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

As the drugs take hold, you feel you are losing your grip on reality. You begin to hallucinate. You see a telephone… the telephone is next to an answering machine… you hear a faint click and a light flashes on the answering machine… you hear a beep…

You’re growing tired. Your eyelids are getting heavy. You feel very sleepy now. You are gradually losing your willpower and your ability to resist suggestions. When you hear the tone you will feel helplessly compelled to leave your name, number, and a message.

No! NO! Not THAT! Anything but that! Not the beep! No! Please! Not the beep! Anything but the beep! AAAAIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!

This is a test. This is a test of the Answering Machine Broadcast System. This is only a test.

Next on Public Radio 91 we’ll be hearing music of Antonin Dvorak. This is the Beep Serenade in C-Sharp Minor, Opus 72…

[Sung to the tune of “Ride of the Valkyries”]
Leave a message… leave a message… etc.

Thanks for calling Dial-A-Shrink. I can’t come to the phone right now, so after the tone, please leave your name and number, then talk briefly about your childhood and tell me what comes to mind when you hear the following words: orange… mother… unicorn… penis. I’ll get back to you with my diagnosis as soon as possible.

[For Shakespeare lovers only]
So long as phones can ring and eyes can see, So leave a message, and I’ll get back to thee.

[VOICE 1] Answer the phone, please, Hal.
[VOICE 2] I’m sorry, Dave, I can’t do that.

I can’t come to the phone right now because I’m down in the basement printing up a fresh new batch of 20 dollar bills. If you need any money, or if you just want to check out my handiwork, please leave your name, number, and how much cash you need after the tone. If you’re from the Department of the Treasury, please ignore this message.

Thank you for calling the Confessional Hotline. Father Durway’s not here right now, but if you’ll leave your name, number, and confession at the tone, he’ll get back to you with absolution as soon as possible. And remember, confession doesn’t count unless you confess all of your sins in vivid, graphic detail!

Andy Warhol said that one day everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. Well, your 15 minutes was last week, but since you weren’t ready, we gave it to Vanna White. Sorry.

C’mon… you can do it… just a little one. That’s the way… just a little beep, just a little one. C’mon… good boy… here we go… like this — beeeeep, just a little one, beeeeeeeeeep, c’mon… There you go!

I can’t come to the phone now because I have amnesia and I feel stupid talking to people I don’t remember. I’d appreciate it if you could help me out by leaving my name and telling me something about myself. Thanks.

I can’t come to the phone now because alien beings are eating my brain. Leave a message anyway, and after the alien beings assume my shape, one of them will get back to you.

Thanks for calling Dial-An-Asshole. Right now, all our assholes are busy. After the tone, leave your name and number, and we’ll have an asshole return your call as soon as possible.

Ok, One more time…
This is our answering machine…
This is the message on our answering machine…
…Any questions?

Hi, can I speak to Mark?…Oh, there isn’t?…I’m sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number.

The number you have reached,
Seven. Six. Seven. One. Two. Three. Four.
[Use your number here.]
has not been disconnected and is still in service. Please leave a message at the sound of the tone.

HANS: This is Hans
FRANZ: And this is Franz, and we just want to…
BOTH: Pump (CLAP) you up
HANS: But we are not at home, you know
FRANZ: Ya, we are gone
HANS: If you want us to…
BOTH: Pump (CLAP) you up
HANS: You will leave a message after the beep
FRANZ: If you don’t leave a message, then you are Girlyman.
HANS: Ya, Girlyman. And we don’t talk to Girlyman, you know
FRANZ: So leave a message and we will call to..
BOTH: Pump (CLAP) you up

“Hello! This is 1-800-PRESLEY — Yes! 1-800-PRESLEY!
They say the King died 10 years ago, but we know he’s still out there somewhere. So . . . leave your name and number and tell us where *YOU* saw Elvis!”

“Hi, you’ve reached 1-900-CALL-BREN, my personal message line where you can talk to me, Bren. I’ll tell you all about how I’m suffering in between sports seasons and about my part time hobby of being a power forward for the Portland Trailblazers. I’ll tell my deepest secrets, such as my desire to be kidnapped by short blonde sorority girls wearing short jean skirts, and you can decide whether or not I’m wearing pants. Selected callers will get to talk to me live. Since you’re not one of them, leave your own personal secret at the beep. ”

In a vaguely phoneco-operator voice: “I’m sorry, you have reached an imaginary number. Would you please rotate your telephone by ninety degrees and try your call again.”
A few people even got the joke…

“You have just dialed into the North American Air Defense Contract Center. Stand by at the tone to give coordinates and destination of incoming bogey. TNR Surveillance will scramble. If you do not respond, this unit will assume incoming, non-important.”

“Sherwood forest, which dear do you want?”
“Lucifer speaking, who in the hall do you want?”
“Heaven, God speaking.”
“Bridge, Kirk here.”
“City Morgue, you kill ’em, we chill ’em; You stab ’em, we slab ’em!”

“Thank you for calling Soviet Embassy. No KG… Er, no diplomats are able to answer phone, so at sound of capitalist tone, leave name, telephone number, and short description of secrets you wish to sell.”

“I’ve set up my answering machine so that when anyone calls, they here a busy signal.”

If you are a burgler, then we are probably at home but can’t come to the phone right now Otherwise, we probably aren’t at home.

The number you’ve dialed is purely imaginary, multiply by i and dial again!

This is you-know who.
We are you-know-where.
Leave your you-know-what you-know-when.

” I’m Morley Safer.”
“I’m Harry Reasoner.”
“I’m ……..
“And I’m”
” We’re not home; leave a message.”
He had taped the audio of the beginning of 60 minutes; it sounded very funny.

“Greetings. You’ve reached Ghengis Kahn’s Pornographic FilmsUnlimited. Fabian, Pat, Rex and Mike are still conducting screentests with potential leading ladies to star opposite the late JohnHolmes in our upcoming feature film “It’s Not the Size That Counts butWhether or Not You’re Alive to Use It.
” If you’re interested in a screen test, or even if you’re not, please leave us your name, age, phone number, measurements, cup size, a brief summary of your work experience, both off and on the screen, and a brief summary of your favorite fantasy involving four men, a pair of handcuffs, and a tub of Cool Whip. Thank you for calling.”

Another one I’ve done more than once is to slowly increase the pitch and speed of my voice while recording the message to make it sound like the machine is broken:(start, low pitch, slow)
“Hhhhheeelllllloooooo thheeeerrrrrrre evvvvveerrrryyyboooodyyyy….
(middle, normal)
..home of Veronica, Jaw-Chyi, Mark and Mike. Nobody’s home…
(later, high pitch, fast)
(end, incomprehensible chipmunk gibberish)

This is not an answering machine — this is a telepathic thought-recording device. After the tone, think about your name, your reason for calling, and a number where I can reach you, and I’ll think about returning your call.

“My name is Inigo Montonya.”
“You killed my father.”
“Leave your name and number, and prepare to die.”

My favorite that I have heard as an answering machine message is also from this movie. My friend recorded the section that goes something like:
“I’m writing the definative work on pain, and I would like you to tell me how the machine makes you feel. Remember, be honest. This is for posterity.”

The message I currently have on my recorder is the output from my Amiga’s speech sythesizer. It’s set up as a dialog between two distict, but recognizably artificial voices. I thought it sort of mediocre myself, but have gotten quite a number of amused comments about it.

– 1> Hello, there are no real people here to answer the phone right now.
2> Yeah, nobody but us machines!
1> Right, just us machines, but don’t hang up! If you like, you can leave your name and telephone number…
2> …and a message! You forgot about the message!
1> Right. Leave your name, telephone number, and a brief message after you hear the beep, and we will keep track of this stuff until the real people get back.
2> …unless of course, sombody pulls out our plug!

I taped theoperator saying “we’re sorry. The number you have reached has been disconnected or is no longer is service…”

From Halloween this year:
(Ominous electronic background music.)
Hi, this is Jim. In honor of Halloween, I’m about to perform an unspeakable pagan ritual. So please leave a message. Oh, unless you’re a virgin, in which case, why don’t you stop by? SINT MIHI DEI ACHERONTIS PROPITII…

(French monologue in the background)
Around the world today, millions still speak French as either a first or second language. But with your continued support and help, we can wipe out French in our lifetime. Please leave a message in English at the tone, and remember, if someone tries to speak French to you, just say, “non”.

Hi, this is Jim. Welcome to my Fun Phone Line, where you can talk to my answering machine for only $.95 per minute! Please leave your credit card number at the tone…

Hi, this is Jim. Thanks for calling during my spring pledge drive. A basic membership is only $30, and a $60 pledge gets you an “I love Jim Shea” T-shirt. Please wait for the tone, and thank you for your pledge.

(click) “You have reached the CPX-2000 Voice Blackmail System. Your voice patterns are now being digitally encoded and stored for later use. Once this is done, our computers will be able to use the sound of _your_ voice for literally thousands of illegal and immoral purposes. There is no charge for this initial consultation, however our staff of professional extortionists will be contacting you in the near future to further explain the benefits of our service, and to arrange for your schedule of payment. Remember to speak clearly at the sound of the tone. Thank you.” (BEEEEEEEEEEEP)

(Use a strong east Indian accent)
Hello, you have reached the existential hotline of (…). I am currently meditating, but if you leave your name and which lifeline you are currently inhabiting at the sound of the Om, I will send good karma waves and contact you when the stars align properly.

(heavy panting and breathing in the background), Oh! Sorry, I can’t come (Oh! Yes! Do it to me) to the (Oh!) phone right now (pant pant), leave your name and number at the (scream) (I’m gonna come!!!!!) orgasm.

That’s right! This is an answering machine! In a few seconds, YOU’RE gonna have to leave a message! Then we’ll listen to it and decide whether or not we like you anymore! So make it GOOD…

(Background music: Something psychotic sounding, like Revolution 9 (Beatles) or Toccata (ELP))
Hello, you have reached the Psychatric Ward. aren’t here right now, so LEARN HOW TO COPE WITH IT! (Gasp) Leave a message at the beep, and we’ll discuss your case. Thanks for calling… NOW GO AWAY! Hahahahahaha oof…

(Background: Something spacy, like “A Saucerful Of Secrets” by Pink Floyd.)
(Try to sound like Carl Sagan.)
Who are you? Where do you come from? Why are you here?
(Normal voice)
I don’t have the answer to these questions, but you can give ME the answers at the beep.

“At the sound of the tone, you will be charged $10 for the first minute and $2 for each additional minute. Please leave your name, phone number and a message. You may call as often as you wish.”

“ahhhhhhhhh…hhhhhhhhhhhhh (heavy breathing sounds, like an obcene phone call) Oh, shit, you called me! Sorry, leave your name and number at the beep.”

“Hello, this is John’s refrigerator, his answering machine’s not working right now, so leave a name and number and we’ll get back to you.” (uses a back-woods slow drawl type voice)

“This is an answerin’ machine, this machine is designed to take full advantage of its numerous capabilities. Please say what you wanted to talk about and why did ya call me anyhow? Wait for the tone to sound, and leave yer message after the beep.”

(uses pompous John Houseman {prof. Kingsfield} type voice) “It appears Reynaldo has again failed to answer the phone so you’ll just have to leave a message. Right now I’m off to find Reynaldo and probably fire him.”

Use a pretty much regular message but end it with “And, remember, this machine cannot hurt you–over the phone.”

“Hello. This is Ron’s answering machine, Marvin, and I’m *so* depressed. I have 50,000 times the memory capacity of my owner, yet all I get to do is answer the phone. Life. Don’t talk to me about life. Just leave your name and number after the beep.”

“Hello, this is Ron’s toaster. Ron’s new answering machine is in the shop for repairs, so please leave your message when the toast is done …. {Cachunk!}”

“Joe and Fred can’t come to the phone now because:
(1) Were at an orgy
(2) Terrorists have taken over the building
(3) We saw GOD
(4) The FBI busted our fraterinty /* BIG news around here lately */

“Please leave youre name, phone #, time you called, and favorite color of underware. we’ll get back to you if we like the color.”

Here’s my favorite, for calling large offices and idiots-in-general:
“Hello, is this the person to whom I am speaking?”

My solution is upon realizing that I’m talking with a “telemarketing representative”, I ask: “Are you a telemarketer?” The answer (suprisingly) is usually yes. I then go into a sales pitch to sell a (nonexistant) telephone ear-cusion.
I insist that every telemarketer must have one for safety and comfort. Eventually, they’ll forget to try selling me anything.

“And this is the sound the aliens made…”

Waste their time:
Have a tape recording of your self going: “Yes (pause) uh huh (pause) hmmm (pause) mmm, yeah (pause) …” repeated indefinitley. As soon as you realize that it’s a telephone solictor you turn on the recording, put it by the speaker and leave.

Have fun: Ask them very personal or bizare questions. If it’s the opposite sex pretend that you earnestly want to date them. Treat them as if they’re the last source of information on giraffe breeding and you MUST have the details.

“Hi, this is ______________…I’m not here anymore because I’ve committed suicide–so if it’s about any money I owe you, I’ll see you in Hell!”

“You have reached (recites number here). No one is available to speak with you right now because we either are not here or don’t feel like picking up the phone.
If you are a burglar, we have two hungy dobermans downstairs for your convenience.”

Currently I answer my phone, “Kimona Ackapiecesay!” >From the AT&T commercial where the guy calls Fiji? I have no clue as to what it means, but it never fails to confuse people.

My answering machine reads, with spooky music in the background, or Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor, “Hello. You have reached xxx-xxxx,otherwise known as the epicenter of the universe. No one is available right now, but, if you’ll leave your name, phone number, mastercard or visa number, sexual preference, and message, your deity of choice will get back to you as soon as is. . .humanly possible. Thank you very much, and have a nice life.”

Friend of mine (Known as “K”, to protect the innocent – me, not him!) has anodd one. Picks up phone, says hello, says K isn’t here right now – oh, is that him under the table? No, somebody else. Oh well. Leave a message, I’ll getit to him. (Walkman is playing heavy metal into machine microphone all thistime.)

< Lick It…Stuff it in>

< Lick it.. Stuff it in>
< As you can hear, John and Cathy are busy mailing letters, please leave a message at the ton……

in Michelangelo’s voice:
Hi, dudes, this is 031 343 xxxx. This is the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles’ secret underground hideaway. I’m afraid we’re all out just now on a desperate mission to save the Planet from boring answering machine messages, but if you know what The Shredder has done to April O’Neill, or if you know where he is, or if you can think of a decent pizza recipe, just leave your name and number and we’ll ring you right back. But don’t say anything yet! Enemy agents may be listening. When the computer has checked they’re not eavesdropping, it will make a bleeping noise and you can speak freely.’

Answering machines. Nowadays almost everyone has one, complete with a snappymessage of their own device. Wait for the beep and then read on. This is a short adaptation of Simon Butler-White’s and Clive Archer’s “could-be” phone messages released in Australian Cleo, August 1989. (Some of them are bit old, Maggie ain’t prime minister of the UK, and Kylie Minogue isn’t seeing Jason Donovan anymore, but you’ll get the meaning anyway,I’m sure).

John McEnroe, Tennis Mouth
You dummy! You’ve called while I’m OUT! Five minutes You’ve missed me by ATLEAST five minutes. Are you stupid or what? Can’t you get anything right?You people make me sick! Leave a message and I’ll call you back! BEEP.

Sarah Ferguson, Another Royal
(Giggle) Hello, this is Fergie…er (sound of hand being placed over receiver and a loud whisper). Andrew! What’sthat title again? What? Oh hello, this is the Duchess of York. The Duke and I are out skiing, so when you hear the jolly old pip pip, leave your message and we’ll give you a tinkle when we get back – in November. BEEP.

Elvis Presley, Corpse
Hi. I can’t come to the phone right now. Actually I can’t do much of anything right now because I’ve been dead since 1977. But my spirit lives on and if you’d like to leave your name and number, I’ll try to contact you via ouija board, Madame Zenda or garbled tape recording. This is also the number of John F. Kennedy, Adolf Hitler, Harold Holt, Lucille Ball, Roy Orbison… BEEP.

Mikhail Gorbachev, Commie Birthmark
Hello. This is Nonoxynol-9, the persona and private telephone number of Mikhail Vladivostok Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Supreme Council of the glorious Communist Party of the Union of Sovjet Socialist Republics, Commander-In-Chief of the Combined Armies of the Proletariat Peoples of Russia, First Citizen of the Order of Lenin, Supreme Patron of the Soviet Institute of Literature and Domestic Sciences, President of the Soviet People’s Council of Peace and Happines and Captain of the Kremlin B Squash Team. But hey, call me Mike. BEEP.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Thespian
Gutten day to you. Here I’m being on ze set of mein latest moofie. Eet’s the latest moofie in mein strings of mega-hits. First zere was za Terminator, zen zere was za Predator…zis one’s called za Laminator. Eet’s about zis handyman on a mission. Eet’s drama. Very funny stuff. You’ll chust luff it. I know you vill. Leaf a messich after za beep. Don’t say you can’t. Ve haf vays off making you talk, you know. BEEP.

Margaret Thatcher, Iron Woman
You have reached the residence of the Prime Minister at No. 10 Downing Street. When you hear the beep, sit up straight, speak clearly and distinctly and STOP doodling when you’re talking to me! And Dennis, if that’ syou, how many time have I told you abut staying at the club after 9.30? We’ve been a very naughty boy, haven’t we? BEEP.

Kylie Minogue, Singing Budgie
Gee, hi, um, I’m unable to come to the phone right now cos I’m making a movie, or a video, or a new album or something, but I’ll get back to you next time I’m in Australia. and if that’s you Jason, I stick by what I said last night: You wear your underwear and I’ll wear mine. BEEP.

The Pope, Spiritual Leader
Bless you my child. This is John Paul Ringo…heh heh, I tell a liddle Beatles choke, yes? I’m out kissing airport runways (hey, so would you if you flew Boeing) and am unable to pontificate at present. Please leave your name and number when you hear the amen and I’ll get back to you, God willing. BEEP.

[to the tune of “I’m not your stepping stone”]
“I I I I I’m just an answering machine… I said ‘a I I I I I’m just an answering machine. BEEP.”

– “Thank you for calling XXX-XXXX. If you wish to speak to Tim push 1 on your touch tone phone now. If you wish to speak to Lynn push 2 on your touch tone phone now. If you have a wrong number push 3 on your touch tone phone now.
All of this button pushing doesn’t do anything but it is a good way to work off anger and makes us feel like we have a big time phone system.”

– I hate these machines, as much as you.
But try as we might, the cats just won’t do.
The scratches they cause,
Holding the phone with their paws,
Only leave us feeling lonely and blue.

So, leave your name at the beep.
On the recorder it will keep.
And if there’s a way,
We’ll call you today,
Unless of course your a .

– “Hello this is the (Last Name) residence, we’re in the middle of a family fight right now. Leave your name a number at the beep and whichever one wins will call you right back.”

– Hi, this is Dave. I’m out right now. This means I’m either asleep or not here. I’ll get back to you when I return or regain consiousness, whichever comes first.

– Here’s another one, (partly) remembered. It is best said very fast and loud and with no pauses, to receive the desired effect (the calling party will have lost all concentration and leave babbling garbage on the tape). It DOES work and is very funny to hear your messages when you get home:

– Hi, this is Dave. By getting this message instead of the person you were originally calling you have stumbled into the position of having to come up with some reasonable one-sided interpretation of your original reason forcalling and leave it on an uncaring audio tape which will not preserve your normally functioning wit and power of speech. NOW!!!! (beep)

Thank you for calling Soviet Embassy. No KG… Er, no diplomats are able to answer phone, so at sound of capitalist tone, leave name, telephone number, and short description of secrets you wish to sell.

Hello. This is Nonoxynol-9, the persona and private telephone number of Mikhail Vladivostok Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Supreme Council of the glorious Communist Party of the Union of Sovjet Socialist Republics, Commander-In-Chief of the Combined Armies of the Proletariat Peoples of Russia, First Citizen of the Order of Lenin, Supreme Patron of the Soviet Institute of Literature and Domestic Sciences, President of the Soviet People’s Council of Peace and Happiness and Captain of the Kremlin B Squash Team. But hey, call me Mike.

The President is not in his office at this time. Please leave your name, phone number, the name of the country you wish to invade, and the secret password.

We’re sorry. You have reached an imaginary number. Please rotate your phone 90 degrees and try again.

Hi there. This is Joe speaking. I’m home right now, and in a moment, I’ll have a decision to make. Leave your name and number and I’ll be thinking about it…

Hi! You have reached 234-1243. This is an answering machine. This is the Nineties. You know what to do.

This is you-know who. We are you-know-where. Leave your you-know-what you-know-when.

I’m not at home today, and I might not be home tomorrow. So please leave a message after the tone. I didn’t take a shower today, and I might not take one tomorrow. So if you don’t leave a message after the tone, you might have to deal with me in person.

Greetings. You’ve reached Ghengis Kahn’s Pornographic Films Unlimited. Fabian, Pat, Rex and Mike are still conducting screen tests with potential leading ladies to star opposite the late John Holmes in our upcoming feature film, “It’s Not the Size That Counts but Whether or Not You’re Alive to Use It.” If you’re interested in a screen test, or even if you’re not, please leave us your name, age, phone number, measurements, cup size, a brief summary of your work experience, both off and on the screen, and a brief summary of your favorite fantasy involving four men, a pair of handcuffs, and a tub of Cool Whip. Thank you for calling.

(Start, low pitch, slow:) Hhhhheeelllllloooooo thheeeerrrrrrre evvvvveerrrryyyboooodyyyy… (middle, normal:) …home of Veronica, Jaw-Chyi, Mark and Mike. Nobody’s home… (later, high pitch, fast:) …liketoleaveamessageafterthetonethen… (end, incomprehensible chipmunk gibberish:) …kkfjdkeirucjkljfklreudjfkleqBEEP!

(In a bored voice:) Heaven, God speaking…
Lucifer speaking. Who in hell do you want?
Bridge, Kirk here.

Hi! I can’t answer the phone right now. Bob, that’s my pet parakeet, just swallowed a cherry bomb. It wasn’t lit, but I’ve got to get him to the bathroom. Uh-oh! (Sound of a paper bag exploding.)

Hello, I’m not here right now. In fact, I’m out getting a new parakeet. If you leave a message after the beep, I’ll be sure to get back to you. Oh, and by the way, a word of advice; never try to clean a parakeet cage with a vacuum cleaner.

(After a power outage:) Hi, this is Ralph. The good news is that my power is back on. The bad news for you is, so is my answering machine. So, leave a message.

Hello, this is Death. I am not in right now, but if you leave your name and number, I’ll be right with you.

Hello, this is KVKE, you’re on the air.

Hello, this is Dr. Pangloss. If this were the best of all possible worlds, I could come to the phone right now, but I can’t, so if you could leave your name and number…

(French monologue in the background:) Around the world today, millions still speak French as either a first or second language. But with your continued support and help, we can wipe out French in our lifetime. Please leave a message in English at the tone, and remember, if someone tries to speak French to you, just say, “non”.

Hello, you’ve reached 344-1312, the Apartment at the End of the Universe. Please leave your message, name and number at the sound of the tone. Keep your hands, feet, extremities and obscenities inside the car at all times. Enjoy your ride.

Hello, this is the Computer Music Research Institute of Portland, Oregon. We can’t take your call at the moment, but we would like you to leave a critique of one of our current works in progress. BEEP!

(Computer generated voices:)
1: Hello, there are no real people here to answer the phone right now.
2: Yeah, nobody but us machines!
1: Right, just us machines, but don’t hang up! If you like, you can leave your name and telephone number…
2: …and a message! You forgot about the message!
1: Right. Leave your name, telephone number, and a brief message after you hear the beep, and we will keep track of this stuff until the real people get back.
2: …unless of course, sombody pulls out our plug!

(Militaristic mechanical voice:)

You have reached the Strategic Air Command Nuclear Missile Storage Facility. We are unable to come to the phone right now. At the tone, please leave your name, number, and target or list of targets, and we’ll launch as soon as we can. And have a nice day.

The machine answering this message is connected to a 5000 volt power supply, and a relay which is wired to this small kitten. (Sound of a kitten meowing.) If you hang up before you leave a message, it will complete the circuit and fry the kitty. The choice is YOURS.

Hi! John’s answering machine is broken. This is his refrigerator. Please speak very slowly, and I’ll stick your message to myself with one of these magnets.

Hello, this is Ron’s toaster. Ron’s new answering machine is in the shop for repairs, so please leave your message when the toast is done…. (Cachunk!)

In Japan, the hand can be used like a knife. (Sound effect: Heeeeee-YAH! Smashing box of kleenex.) But this method doesn’t work with a telephone call… (Sound effect: dial tone.) Introducing the all-new GINSU answering machine! It cuts, it chops, it slices, it dices your incoming calls! How much would you pay? Don’t answer, because if you leave your name and number when you hear the tone, we’ll throw in a return phone call ABSOLUTELY FREE!

(Frantic violin music:) Hello. You have reached 435-3949. We are currently unable to answer because we are either chasing, or being chased by, bats. Please leave a message.

(Theme from “Raiders of the Lost Ark” in the background:)
You’ve reached the residence of John and Tom. We can’t come to the phone right now, because we’re cleaning the refrigerator. Please leave your name and number, and we’ll get back to you.

My time is billed at $125 per hour. Please begin your message with your MasterCard or Visa number, card type, and date of expiration. Go ahead.

We are unable to come to the phone right now. At the tone, please leave your name, number, and Master Card, Visa, or American Express account number, and we’ll get back to you pending credit approval.

Hi, this is Jim. Welcome to my Fun Phone Line, where you can talk to my answering machine for only $.95 per minute! Please leave your credit card number at the tone…

OK, one more time… This is our answering machine… This is the message on our answering machine… Any questions?

Hello. I’m David’s answering machine. What are you?

Hello. This is Chris. John and Mike aren’t here right now, but if you leave a message, they’ll get back to you as soon as they can.

(Imitating Mr. Rogers:) Hello. I’m in the Magic Kingdom right now, so I can’t come to the phone. Can you leave your name and number when you hear the sound of the tone? Sure… I knew you could.

Steve: Hello. Steve and Matt aren’t here right now, but if…
Matt: Steve, what are you doing?
Steve: I’m leaving a phone message since we aren’t here.
Matt: But you left the last one — it’s my turn.
Steve: No, I’m sure it’s my turn.
Matt: No, you’re wrong. It’s definitely my turn.
Steve: You fool, I know it’s… wait… Matt… what are you doing with that frying pan?
Matt: Steve is out right now, so please leave your name and number.

This is Fred. We are not… excuse me a moment, please. Put your sister down. PUT YOUR SISTER DOWN! (Sound of window breaking.) Great! What a mess. I’ll have to get back to you later.

(Recorded directly from AT&TSmile We’re sorry, but the number you dialed is disconnected or no longer in service.

The number you have reached, 226-0477, has been changed. The new number is 226-0477. Please make a note of it.

(A busy signal.) — Steven Wright

Hello, and welcome to Answering Machines of the Rich and Famous! Sam can’t come to the phone right now because he’s spending the week in his beautiful summer home on the French Riviera.

You’ve reached the B&D hotline. All our operators are tied up right now, so if you leave a name, number, a list of transgressions, and bark like a dog, we’ll get right back to you with your penance.

(In the background can be heard springs creaking and various moans; husky, soft female voice is best:) Hi… You’ve just reached Sharon’s pleasure palace. We’re all busy as I’m sure you can tell, but when we’re done… we’ll get back to you in whatever way we can.

(STAR TREK theme in the background:)
(Voice 1Smile Room 17, the final frontier.
(Voice 2Smile These are the messages of Chad’s answering machine. Its two semester mission: To seek out your name and your telephone number.
(Voice 3Smile To boldly inform you to wait for the tone.

(Annoying flute music in background:) Good day, Jim. Your contact, Linda, is not available right now. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to leave your name, number, and a brief message at the tone. This tape will self-destruct in thirty seconds. Good Luck, Jim.

This is David. Talk to me.

You have reached the CPX-2000 Voice Blackmail System. Your voice patterns are now being digitally encoded and stored for later use. Once this is done, our computers will be able to use the sound of YOUR voice for literally thousands of illegal and immoral purposes. There is no charge for this initial consultation. However our staff of professional extortionists will contact you in the near future to further explain the benefits of our service, and to arrange for your schedule of payment. Remember to speak clearly at the sound of the tone. Thank you.

Hi, you’ve reached 1-900-CALL-BREN, my personal message line where you can talk to me, Bren. I’ll tell you all about how I’m suffering in between sports seasons and about my part time hobby of being a power forward for the Portland Trailblazers. I’ll tell my deepest secrets, such as my desire to be kidnapped by short blonde sorority girls wearing short jean skirts, and you can decide whether or not I’m wearing pants. Selected callers will get to talk to me live. Since you’re not one of them, leave your own personal secret at the beep.

“I’m Morley Safer.” “I’m Harry Reasoner.” “And I’m Fred.” “We’re not home; leave a message.”

Thank you for calling Robert’s House of Love. All of our customer service representatives are, er… busy servicing customers, so at the sound of the erotic tone, leave your name, number, and a short description of whatever turns you on…

Oooooommmmmmmmmmm… (heavy panting and breathing in the background), Oh! Sorry, I can’t come (Oh! Yes! Do it to me) to the (Oh!) phone right now (pant pant), leave your name and number at the (scream) (I’m gonna come!) orgasm.

Hi, this is Jim. Thanks for calling during my spring pledge drive. A basic membership is only $30, and a $60 pledge gets you an “I love Jim Shea” T-shirt. Please wait for the tone, and thank you for your pledge.

(Recorded during a party:)
yeah!! we’re having a party!! come on over! B mike’s not home right now!! Look out! E Hey what are you doing? Careful it might spill. E Was that the phone ringing? P

Hi!! You’ve reached Janet and Chris’s room. We’re not in right now. If this is our parents, we’re at the library studying. Yeah, yeah, that’s it, that’s the ticket. If this is John, Chris is out with the girls at the party. Yeah, that’s it. If this is any one else, we’re at a party and you’re not. Yeah, a party with the president. Yeah and the… pope. Yeah that’s it.

I’m writing the definitive work on pain. I would like you to tell me how this machine makes you feel. Remember, be honest. This is for posterity.

Steve has been captured by a flying saucer and can’t come to the phone right now, but if you leave your name, phone number, and a message, I’ll have him call you back as soon as he gets away. Read all about it in next week’s National Enquirer.

Hi, this is George. I’m sorry I can’t answer the phone right now. Leave a message, and then wait by your phone until I call you back.

Hello, this is Ron. I’m not home right now, but I can take a message. Hang on a second while I get a pencil. (Open a drawer and shuffle stuff around.) OK, what would you like me to tell me?

(A friend was at a mutual friend’s sister’s house, and when she went out for beer, he changed her answering machine message. In a loud, deep, gravelly, horror-film voice he recorded:) HI, THIS IS KATHY. I’M NOT MYSELF RIGHT NOW. IF YOU LEAVE YOUR NAME AND NUMBER, I’LL GET BACK TO YOU WHEN I’M FEELING BETTER.

Hello. This is Ron’s answering machine, Marvin, and I’m *so* depressed. I have 50,000 times the memory capacity of my owner, but all I get to do is answer the phone. Life. Don’t talk to me about life. Just leave your name and number after the beep.

(With strong east Indian accent:) Hello, you have reached the existential hotline of Ransheesh. I am currently meditating, but if you leave your name and which lifeline you are currently inhabiting at the sound of the Om, I will send good karma waves and contact you when the stars align properly.

(Noisy pick-up of phone.) Hi, I’m a burglar and I was just about to steal Troy’s answering machine. If you give me your name and number I’ll… uh, I’ll post it on the fridge where he’ll see it. Uh… by the way, where did you say you live?

This is Jeff, you’re not in now, so I’ll leave a message.

I’m sorry, the number that has dialed you is not in service. Will you please hang up and let it dial again… I’m sorry, the…

This is the Literacy Self Test Hotline. After the tone, leave your name and number, and recite a sentence using today’s vocabulary word. Today’s word is “supercilious”.

You know what I hate about answering machine messages? They go on and on, wasting your time. I mean, all they really need to say is, “We aren’t in, leave a message.” That’s why I’ve decided to keep mine simple and short. I pledge to you, my caller, that you will never have to suffer through another long answering machine message when you call me…

(In a good Australian accent:) G’day mate. Can’t come to the phone now because I’m a bit tied up with this crocodile. Just leave a message, and I’ll get back to you.

My wife and I can’t come to the phone right now, but if you’ll leave your name and number, we’ll get back to you as soon as we’re finished.

Wrong number? No sweat, I was going to pick up the phone anyway.

I just got a car phone. I’m not here at the moment. Leave me a message and I’ll call you when I’m out.

Hello, this is Jim. Unfortunately I can’t answer the phone right now because I’ve just come back from the Mirror Worlds and I’m still made up of antimatter, so if I were to pick up the phone right now, the resulting energy release would make Hiroshima look like a wet firecracker. So leave a message at the tone and I’ll get back to you as soon as my component particles have been restored to their normal charges.

Hi. This is David. I’ve shut the ringers off on my phones and taken a sedative. As soon as I finish this recording I’m going to bed indefinitely. When I wake up I’ll play my messages. Please leave one.

You have reached the Suicide Prevention Hotline. All our lines are busy now, but if you leave your name and number, someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

This is a boring answering machine message. Leave a message anyway. (Useful to keep people from calling at odd hours to hear your latest exciting message.)

Hi, dudes, this is 229-3053, the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles’ secret underground hideaway. I’m afraid we’re all out just now on a desperate mission to save the Planet from boring answering machine messages, but if you know what The Shredder has done to April O’Neill, or if you know where he is, or if you can think of a decent pizza recipe, just leave your name and number and we’ll ring you right back. But don’t say anything yet! Enemy agents may be listening. When the computer has checked they’re not eavesdropping, it will make a bleeping noise and you can speak freely.

These words are lovely dark and deep
But I’ve got promises to keep
and miles to go before I sleep
So leave a message at the beep.

Now I lay me down to sleep;
Leave a message at the beep.
If I die before I wake,
Remember to erase the tape.

Dial some number at random. Ask: “May I speak to Kevin? Oh, wrong number? Could you please tell him that his pizza is ready?”. Hang up.

Dial the same number again 15 minutes later. In a different voice: “May I speak to Kevin? Oh, wrong number? Could you please tell him that John called?”. Hang up.

Repeat 10 times. On the eleventh: “Hi, this is Kevin. Did I get any messages?”

Dial a number. “Hello, this is your local telephone station speaking. We are sorry to tell you but we are having a terrible fire here at the station. The fire cannot be controlled, it is spreading over telephone cables and will reach your house in 5 minutes. So, if you don’t want to burn down your house, hurry up and take your telephone receiver and throw it into a bucket of cold water!”

Sometimes it works, and people do throw their receivers into water. It is especially amusing to play this joke on the people whom you intend to visit later in the day. That way you can come and inspect the damage.

“Hello, this is your local Zoo speaking. Do you like animals? We are experiencing severe problems with hot water. Would you be so kind as to allowus to bring our elephants over to your bathroom for a shower?”

The most common response: “Well, sure, but my neighbour’s bathroom is bigger and better equipped to handle elephants.”

When you knock on somebody’s door and they ask “Who is there?”, a good reply is “And who is THERE?”

Morsome telefonsvarerbeskeder

(HVISKENDE)..”hallo!! Hej .. jeg er tyven, jeg er ved at stjæle (dit navn)s telefonsvarer. Hvis du gir mig dit navn og nummer så hænger jeg det lige ude på køleskabet, der ser han den. øhhh, forresten hvor sagde du du boede…………??

“Præsidenten er ikke på sit kontor i øjeblikket – vær venlig at lægge Deres navn, telefonnummer, det land de ønsker at invadere, samt det hemmelige kodeord…!

“Hallo………(et par sek. pause) Desværre, han er her ikke her ikke lige nu, men læg en besked, så ringer han tilbage !

“De har kaldt: Ålborg stratetiske luftkommandos atommisil lagersilo. Vi er forhindret i at komme til telefonen for øjeblikket. Vær venlig ved klartonen, at lægge deres navn nummer, samt mål eller liste over mål, og vi vil affyre så hurtigt det er os muligt. ha’ en god dag…..!!!!

“Gør dem rede for alpa test fra beep software udgave 1.05 vi tæller ned: 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1……..

“De mærker pillerne virke, de mister deres tag på virkeligheden, de begynder at halluciniere. de ser en telefon .. telefonen står ved siden af en telefonsvarer de hører et svagt klik og et lys blinker på telefon- svareren. de hører et beep………..!!!!

“De er træt, deres øjenlåg bliver tunge. de føler dem meget træt nu. De mister hastigt deres viljestyrke og evne til at modstå fristelser. når de hører en tone vil de føle dem nødsaget til at lægge Deres navn, nummer og en besked !!

“Ja, og fra den slager haster vi videre til den kendte gruppe JTAS, med nummeret beep seranade i c-mol opus 72 !!

“De har kaldt telefonpsykiateren, jeg kan ikke komme til telefonen lige nu, så efter tonen, vær venlig at lægge deres navn og nummer, og tal så kort om deres barndom og sig mig så hvad falder dem i tankerne, når de hører ordene: orange – mor – korn – penis…ilin, jeg vil komme tilbage til dem hurtigst med en diagnose, tak for opkaldet !!!!

“Hallo, det er (dit navn) . jeg vil gerne ha’ en stor pizza med ekstra champingion. (opkalderen) : hvad ???? (dig) : nå så må de undskylde så må jeg ha’ fået forkert nummmer(læg på) !!!

“Hej jeg er hjemme nu, jeg scanner bare mine opkald. så bare start med at snakke, og hvis du er en jeg gider snakke med så tar’ jeg den, -…. ellers ja , hva kan jeg sige!!!

“Hej du har ringet til (dit navn)… læg dit navn og nummer og hvis jeg kan lide det, så ringer jeg tilbage !!

“Andy Warhol sagde engang at vi alle sammen vil prøve at være berømt i 15 minutter, dine 15 var i sidste uge , men siden du ikke var klar så har du chancen nu… værsgo….!!!!!

“De har kaldt et imaginært nummer, vær venlig at rotere deres telefon 90 grader og prøv igen….!!!!!!!!

“nummeret de har kaldt er fuldstændigt imaginært, multiplicer med i og prøv igen…….!

“dette er ikke en telefonsvarer, men en telepatisk optagemekanisme. efter tonen, tænk deres navn, deres nummer, og grunden til at de ringer, så vil jeg tænke på at ringe tilbage …..!!!!

“De har kaldt CPX-2000 pengeafpressningssystem. deres stemme er nu kryptisk digitaliseret, og vil blive gemt til senere brug. når dette er gjort vil vores computer, være istand til at bruge deres stemme til bogstavelig talt tusindvis af forskellige illigale og imorale opgaver. dette første opkald er gratis, men vores proff. stab af pengeafpressere, vil i den nærmere fremtid kontakte dem, med henblik på fordelene ved denne service samt at klarlægge deres indbetalinger til os. husk at tale klart og tydeligt efter klartonen !!!

Det danske sprog

  • Pladesmed søges til autoværksted – Vi forhandler Honda og Daihatsu, men laver skader på alle mærker
  • Bulldog sælges. Spiser det meste og kan lide børn
  • Skabsfryser sælges, 2 år gammel. Lavet til 2-3 personer
  • Ældre dame eller herrecykel købes billigt
  • Søges: En person, som kan passe heste, som ikke ryger eller drikker
  • Lejlighed med udsigt over grønt område og parketgulv
  • Workout – vi opbygger kroppe, som holder livet ud
  • Hos os bor du billigere, end du betaler for
  • Bjørks Busrejser – et alternativ til en hyggelig ferie
  • Jeg er 27 år, for tiden desværre i fængsel. Altid ærlig. Du ved altid, hvor du har mig
  • Eftersøges: Lille hvid puddel. Dusør. Kastreret. Som familiemedlem
  • En hyggelig og billig restaurant. Fine retter serveret af appetitvækkende servitricer
  • Dagens menu: Kalkun 70,- kr. Kylling 65,-. Børn 30,-.
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Germans vs italians

Five Germans in an Audi Quattro arrive at the Italian border. An Italian police officer stops them and says: “Itsa illegala to putta five-a people in a Quattro!”

“Vot do you mean, it’s illegal?” the German driver asks.

“Quattro means four!” the policeman answers.

“Quattro iz just ze name of ze fokken automobile” the German shouts
…”Look at ze dam paperz: Ze car is dezigned to carry 5 people!”

“You canta pulla thata one on me!” says the Italian policeman.

“Quattro meansa four. You havea five-a people ina your car and you are therefore breaking the law!”

The German driver gets mad and shouts “You ideeiot! Call ze zupervizor over! Schnell! I vant to spik to zumvun viz more intelligence!!!”

“Sorry” the Italian says, “He canta comea. He’sa buzy with a two guys in a
Fiat Uno.”


Hvis der er nogle af jer som lider af søvnløse nætter, så er der hermed en række spørgsmål som i kan fillosofere over:

Hvis man spiser pasta og antipasta – er man så stadig lige sulten ?

Hvorfor bar kamikaze-piloter flyverhjelm?

Hvis du har været halvdød af skræk 2 gange, hvad sker der så?

Bliver fisk nogensinde tørstige?

Hvordan smider man en affaldscontainer væk?

Krymper bomuldsmarker efter regnvejr?

Har du nogensinde forestillet dig en verden uden hypotetiske situationer?

Hvorfor laver de ikke fly af samme materiale som den sorte boks, den holder jo altid ?

Hvorfor skruer man ned for lyden, når man sidder i bilen og ikke kan finde vej ?

Hvis man forsøger at bevise Murphy’s lov, vil tingene så stadig gå galt?

Hvorfor er ordet “forkortelse” så langt ?

Hvis majsolie kommer fra majs, hvor kommer babyolie så fra ?

Hvorfor steriliserer de nålen, inden en dødsdømt får sin sprøjte ?

Hvordan ved man at det er på tide at stemme sin sækkepibe ?

Hvorfor skriver man dødsattester på genbrugspapir ?

Hvorfor staves palindrom ikke ens forfra og bagfra?

Findes der et andet ord for synonym?

Hvordan kan det være at der aldrig er optaget når man ringer forkert?

Hvordan skriver man 0 med romertal?

Hvordan finder man ud af, hvis et ord i ordbogen er stavet forkert?

Hvis kærlighed gør blind, hvofor er frækt undertøj så så populært?

Hvis dine knæ sad på den anden side af benet, hvordan ville en stol så se ud?

Hvis en harefod bringer held, hvad skete der så med haren?

Hvis supermand virkelig er så smart, hvorfor har han så underbukserne udenpå?

Hvis svømning er så sundt, hvorfor ser hvaler så ud som de gør?

Kan man tage noget imod kleptomani?

Da man første gang opfandt uret, hvordan vidste man så hvad det skulle stilles til?

Hvor bliver alt det hvide af, når sneen smelter?

Hvorfor kan man ikke kilde sig selv?

Hvorfor henretter man mordere, for at vise at det er forkert at dræbe?

Hvorfor skal man have en aftale for at besøge en synsk?

Hvorfor er en bokseRING firkantet?

Hvorfor sømmer man låget fast på en kiste?

Hvordan kan det være at det kun er voksne der har problemer med børnesikrede flasker?

Hvorfor skal man trykke på “START” for at slukke for Windows 95?

Hvorfor er alfabetet i lige præcis den rækkefølge?

Hvorfor hedder det “myldre-tid” når alle bilerne kører langsomt?

Hvorfor er ordet “ordbog” i en ordbog?

Hvorfor er en pegefinger præcis samme størrelse som dit næsebor?

Hvorfor findes der ikke kattemad der smager af mus?

Tænk lige lidt over det………………

A dreadful language? English

We’ll begin with box, and the plural is boxes; But the plural of ox should be oxen, not oxes.

Then one fowl is goose, but two are called geese Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.

You may find a lone mouse or a whole lot of mice, But the plural of house is houses, not hice.

If the plural of man is always called men, When couldn’t the plural of pan be called pen? The cow in the plural may be cows or kine, But the plural of vow is vows, not vine.

And I speak of a foot, and you show me your feet, But I give a boot – would a pair be called beet?

If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth, Why shouldn’t the plural of booth be called beeth? If the singular is this and plural is these, Why shouldn’t the plural of kiss be nicknamed kese?

Then one may be that, and three may be those, Yet the plural of hat would never be hose; We speak of a brother, and also of brethren, But though we say mother, we never say methren.

The masculine pronouns are he, his and him, But imagine the feminine she, shis, and shim!

So our English, I think you will all agree, Is the trickiest language you ever did see.

I take it you already know Of tough and bough and cough and dough?

Others may stumble, but not you On hiccough, thorough, slough, and through?

Well done! And now you wish, perhaps To learn of less familiar traps? Beware of heard, a dreadful word That looks like beard and sounds like bird. And dead; it’s said like bed, not bead; For goodness sake, don’t call it deed!

Watch out for meat and great and threat, (they rhyme with suite and straight and debt) A moth is not a moth in mother.

Nor both in bother, broth in brother. And here is not a match for there. And dear and fear for bear and pear.

And then there’s dose and rose and lose — Just look them up — and goose and choose.

And cork and work and card and ward, And font and front and word and sword. And do and go, then thwart and cart.

Come, come, I’ve hardly made a start. A dreadful language? Why, man alive, I’d learned to talk it when I was five, And yet to write it, the more I tried, I hadn’t learned it at fifty-five!

Engelsk for begyndere

Hold tungen lige i munden…….

Oversæt venligst nedenstående.

1. Engelsk for begyndere: (for beginners)

Tre hekse ser på tre swatch-ure. Hvilken heks ser på hvilket swatch-ur?

Three witches watch three swatch watches. Which witch watch which swatch watch?

2. Engelsk for viderekommende: (advanced english)

Tre kønsopererede hekse ser på tre swatch-ure-knapper. Hvilken kønsopererede heks ser på hvilken swatch-ur-knap?

Det hele igen på engelsk:

Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which Swatch watch switch?

3. Engelsk for eksperter: (at the end)

Tre schweiziske hekse-kællinger, som ønsker sig at være kønsopereret schweiziske hekse-kællinger, ønsker at se på schweiziske swatch-ure-knapper.
Hvilken schweizisk hekse-kælling, som ønsker sig at være en kønsopereret schweizisk hekse-kælling, ønsker at se på hvilken schweizisk swatch-ure-knap?

… og igen på engelsk:

Three Swiss witch-bitches, which wished to be switched Swiss witch-bitches, wish to watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches.
Which Swiss witch-bitch which wishes to be a switched Swiss witch-bitch, wishes to watch which Swiss Swatch watch switch?

Chinese-English dictionary

Dung On Mai Shu————-I stepped in excrement
Ai Bang Mai Ne—————I bumped into the coffee table
Fat Ho————————-An unattractive woman
Ar U Wun Tu——————A gay liberation greeting
Chin Tu Fat——————–You need a face lift
Dum Gai———————–A stupid male
Gun Pao Der——————An ancient Chinese invention
Hu Flung Dung—————-Which one of you fertilized the field?
Hu Yu Hai Ding————–We have reason to believe you are harboring a fugitive
Jan Ne Ka Sun—————-A former late night talk show host
Kum Hia———————-Approach me
Lao Ze————————-Not very good
Lao Ze Sho——————–Gilligan’s Island
Lin Ching———————-An illegal execution
Moon Lan Ding—————-A great achievement of the American space program
Ne Ahn————————A lighting fixture used in advertising signs or a brand of car
Shai Gai——————– –A bashful male
Tai Ne Bae Be—————-A premature infant
Tai Ne Po Ne—————–A small horse
Ten Ding Ba——————-Serving drinks to people
Wan Bum Lung—————-A person with T.B.
Yu Mai Te Tan—————-Your vacation in Hawaii agrees with you
Wa Shing Kah—————–Cleaning an automobile
Wai So Dim——————-Are you trying to save electricity?
Wai U Shao Ting————–There is no reason to raise your voice