US military warnings

Warnings issued by the U.S. military to their own troops:

“Aim towards the enemy.”
Instruction printed on US Rocket Launcher.

“When the pin is pulled, Mr Grenade is not our friend.”
US Marine Corps.

“Cluster bombing from B-52s is very, very accurate. The bombs are guaranteed to always hit the ground.”
USAF Ammo Troop.

“If the enemy is in range, so are you.”
Infantry Journal.

“A slipping gear could let your M203 grenade launcher fire when you least expect it. That would make you quite unpopular in what is left of your unit.”
Army’s magazine of preventive maintenance.

“It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed.”
U.S. Air Force Manual.

“Try to look unimportant; they may be low on ammo.”
Infantry Journal.

“Tracers work both ways.”
US Army Ordnance.

“Five-second fuses only last three seconds.”
Infantry Journal.

“Any ship can be a minesweeper… once.”

“Do not draw fire; it irritates the people around you.”
Your comrades.

“If you see a bomb technician running, try to keep up with him.”
USAF Ammo Troop.

Kolding vitser

Pressemeddelelse fra Kolding Fyrværkerifabrik:

Se vort reklameindslag med overdådigt festfyrværkeri på TVAvisen i aften.

Vil du være med til at bestemme hvor den nye fyrværkerifabrik skal ligge, så stem:
1 for Vollsmose
2 for Vollsmose
3 for Vollsmose
tændstikker sponsoreres af DANSK FOLKEPARTI.

Hvad laver Kylling og Bamse i Kolding?
Svar: De leder efter Aske

Nyt fra Kolding.
Kommunen giver tilladelse til at genopføre fabrikken, da den ikke længere ligger i et beboelses kvarter.

Pressemeddelelse fra det Hvide hus!
Tak for opmærksomheden ved mit genvalg!
Det var flot fyrværkeri i skød af i Kolding !
Hilsen Bush…..

Kolding politi menes at være næsten helt sikker at det er prinsesse Alexandra der står for det affyrede fyrværkeri. For hun har tidligere udtalt at hun ikke ville være den eneste kineser der var brændt af.

Rygterne vil vide, at Kolding byråd har besluttet, at anbefale sex om lørdagen, da begrebet onsdagsknald jo har taget overhånd.

Nu har man fundet årsagen til ulykken i Kolding det var Lunte fra nissebanden, som var blevet varm på Puk, men blev brændt af…

Vigtige forbrugsvejledninger

En bunke produktinformationer
fra produkter rundt om i verden:

På hårtørrer:
Brug ikke apparatet mens du sover!
(Sjovt, det er ellers der man plejer at tørre det)

På cornflakes:
Vind fede præmier!
– Konkurrencen er ikke købsbetinget!
– Læs mere inde i pakken!
(Jaaaa, butikstyvens favorit!)

På flydende sæbe:
Anvendes som almindelig sæbe!
(Og hvordan gør man så lige det?)

På frossen pizza:
Serveringsforslag: Serveres optøet!
(Okay, men det er kun et forslag?)

På isdessert (skrevet i bunden af pakken)
Vend ikke pakken på hovedet!
(Ups! – for sent! *LOL*)

På øllebrød:
Produktet vil være varmt efter opvarmning!
(Virkelig! – skal vi ikke lige prøve efter?)

På pakken til et strygejern:
Stryg ikke tøj på kroppen!
(Hvorfor dog ikke? – Det ville da spare tid!)

På børne-hostesaft:
Kør ikke bil, eller anvend maskiner efter indtagelse:
(Hmmm, det er nu også sjældent at ungerne låner bilen!)

På koreansk køkkenkniv:
“Keep out of children!”
(Tror oversættelsen smuttede!)

På juletræskæde:
Kun til indendørs og udendørs brug!
(Hallo! – den må altså ikke bruges i rumfærgen?)

På food-processor:
Not to be used for the other use!
(Hmmm, NU er jeg nysgerrig!)

På en pose peanuts:
Advarsel! – Indeholder nødder!
(Okay, det havde vi aldrig gættet)

På en pakke (fly)-panuts:
Instruktion: Åbn pakken, spis nødderne!
(Betaler de virkelig nogen, for at skrive dette?)

På svensk motorsav:
Forsøg ikke at stoppe kæden med hænderne!
(Grineflip’s redaktion nægter at kommentere denne!)

På et superman- fastelavns-kostume:
Advarsel! – Denne dragt gør dig IKKE i stand til at flyve!

100 excuse generator

Got an invitation you’d rather decline? No problem. Just pick a number:

I’d love to, but…

1 I have to floss my cat.

2 I’ve dedicated my life to linguine.

3 I want to spend more time with my blender.

4 The President said he might drop in.

5 The man on television told me to say tuned.

6 I’ve been scheduled for a karma transplant.

7 I’m staying home to work on my cottage cheese sculpture.

8 It’s my parakeet’s bowling night.

9 It wouldn’t be fair to the other Beautiful People.

10 I’m building a pig from a kit.

11 I did my own thing and now I’ve got to undo it.

12 I’m enrolled in aerobic scream therapy.

13 There’s a disturbance in the Force.

14 I’m doing door-to-door collecting for static cling.

15 I have to go to the post office to see if I’m still wanted.

16 I’m teaching my ferret to yodel.

17 I have to check the freshness dates on my dairy products.

18 I’m going through cherry cheesecake withdrawal.

19 I’m planning to go downtown to try on gloves.

20 My crayons all melted together.

21 I’m trying to see how long I can go without saying yes.

22 I’m in training to be a household pest.

23 I’m getting my overalls overhauled.

24 My patent is pending.

25 I’m attending the opening of my garage door.

26 I’m sandblasting my oven.

27 I’m worried about my vertical hold.

28 I’m going down to the bakery to watch the buns rise.

29 I’m being deported.

30 The grunion are running.

31 I’ll be looking for a parking space.

32 My Millard Fillmore Fan Club meets then.

33 The monsters haven’t turned blue yet, and I have to eat more dots.

34 I’m taking punk totem pole carving.

35 I have to fluff my shower cap.

36 I’m converting my calendar watch from Julian to Gregorian.

37 I’ve come down with a really horrible case of something or other.

38 I made an appointment with a cuticle specialist.

39 My plot to take over the world is thickening.

40 I have to fulfill my potential.

41 I don’t want to leave my comfort zone.

42 It’s too close to the turn of the century.

43 I have some real hard words to look up in the dictionary.

44 My subconscious says no.

45 I’m giving nuisance lessons at a convenience store.

46 I left my body in my other clothes.

47 The last time I went, I never came back.

48 I’ve got a Friends of Rutabaga meeting.

49 I have to answer all of my “occupant” letters.

50 None of my socks match.

51 I have to be on the next train to Bermuda.

52 I’m having all my plants neutered.

53 People are blaming me for the Spanish-American War.

54 I changed the lock on my door and now I can’t get out.

55 I’m making a home movie called “The Thing That Grew in My Refrigerator.”

56 I’m attending a perfume convention as guest sniffer.

57 My yucca plant is feeling yucky.

58 I’m touring China with a wok band.

59 My chocolate-appreciation class meets that night.

60 I never go out on days that end in “Y.”

61 My mother would never let me hear the end of it.

62 I’m running off to Yugoslavia with a foreign-exchange student named Basil Metabolism.

63 I just picked up a book called “Glue in Many Lands” and I can’t put it down.

64 I’m too old/young for that stuff.

65 I have to wash/condition/perm/curl/tease/torment my hair.

66 I have too much guilt.

67 There are important world issues that need worrying about.

68 I have to draw “Cubby” for an art scholarship.

69 I’m uncomfortable when I’m alone or with others.

70 I promised to help a friend fold road maps.

71 I feel a song coming on.

72 I’m trying to be less popular.

73 My bathroom tiles need grouting.

74 I have to bleach my hare.

75 I’m waiting to see if I’m already a winner.

76 I’m writing a love letter to Richard Simmons.

77 You know how we psychos are.

78 My favorite commercial is on TV.

79 I have to study for a blood test.

80 I’m going to be old someday.

81 I’ve been traded to Cincinnati.

82 I’m observing National Apathy Week.

83 I have to rotate my crops.

84 My uncle escaped again.

85 I’m up to my elbows in waxy buildup.

86 I have to knit some dust bunnies for a charity bazaar.

87 I’m having my baby shoes bronzed.

88 I have to go to court for kitty littering.

89 I’m going to count the bristles in my toothbrush.

90 I have to thaw some karate chops for dinner.

91 Having fun gives me prickly heat.

92 I’m going to the Missing Persons Bureau to see if anyone is looking for me.

93 I have to jog my memory.

94 My palm reader advised against it.

95 My Dress For Obscurity class meets then.

96 I have to stay home and see if I snore.

97 I prefer to remain an enigma.

98 I think you want the OTHER [your name].

99 I have to sit up with a sick ant.

100 I’m trying to cut down.

50 ways to confuse your roommate

1. Smoke jimson weed. Do whatever comes naturally.
2. Switch the sheets on your beds while s/he is at class.
3. Twitch a lot.
4. Pretend to talk while pretending to be asleep.
5. Steal a fishtank. Fill it with beer and dump sardines in it. Talk to them.
6. Become a subgenius.
7. Inject his/her twinkies with a mixture of Dexatrim and MSG.
8. Learn to levitate. While your roommate is looking away, float up out of your seat. When s/he turns to look, fall back down and grin.
9. Speak in tongues.
10. Move you roommate’s personal effects around. Start subtlely. Gradually work up to big things, and eventually glue everything s/he owns to the ceiling.
11. Walk and talk backwards.
12. Spend all your money on Jolt Cola. Drink it all. Stack the cans in the middle of your room. Number them.
13. Spend all your money on Transformers. Play with them at night. If your roommate says anything, tell him/her with a straight face, “They’re more than meets the eye.”
14. Recite entire movie scripts (e.g. “The Road Warrior,” “Repo Man,” Casablanca,”) almost inaudibly.
15. Kill roaches with a monkey wrench while playing Wagnerian arias on a kazoo. If your roommate complains, explain that it is for your performance art class (or hit him/her with the wrench).
16. Collect all your urine in a small jug.
17. Chain yourself to your roommate’s bed. Get him/her to bring you food.
18. Get a computer. Leave it on when you are not using it. Turn it off when you are.
19. Ask your roommate if your family can move in “just for a couple of weeks.”
20. Buy as many back issues of Field and Stream as you can. Put hooks in your cheeks while reading them.
21. Fake a heart attack. When your roommate gets the paramedics to come, pretend nothing happened.
22. Eat glass.
23. Smoke ballpoint pens.
24. Smile. All the time.
25. Pray to the Gods in Toledo. They enjoy your kneeling and facing away from them to get at your wallet more easily.
26. Burn all your waste paper while eying your roommate suspiciously.
27. Hide a bunch of potato chips and Ho Hos in the bottom of a trash can. When you get hungry, root around in the trash. Find the food, and eat it. If your roommate empties the trash before you get hungry, demand that s/he reimburse you.
28. Leave a declaration of war on your roommate’s desk. Include a list of grievances.
29. Paste pre and post nasal drips on the windows in occult patterns.
30. Shoot rubber bands at your roommate while his/her back is turned, and then look away quickly.
31. Dye all your underwear lime green.
32. Spill a lot of beer on his/her bed. Swim.
33. Bye three loaves of stale bread. Grow mold in the closet.
34. Hide your underwear and socks in your roommate’s closet. Accuse him/her of stealing it.
35. Remove your door. Ship it to your roommate’s parents (postage due).
36. Pray to Azazoth or Zoroaster. Sacrifice something nasty.
37. Whenever your roommate walks in, wait one minute and then stand up. Announce that you are going to take a shower. Do so. Keep this up for three weeks.
38. Array thirteen tooth brushes of different colors on your dresser. Refuse to discuss them.
39. Paint your half of the room black. Or paisley.
40. Whenever he/she is about to fall asleep, ask questions that start with “Didja ever wonder why….” Be creative.
41. Shave one eyebrow.
42. Put your mattress underneath your bed. Sleep down under there and pile your dirty clothes on the empty bedframe. If your roommate comments, mutter “Gotta save space,” twenty times while twitching violently.
43. Put horseradish in your shoes.
44. Shelve all your books with the spines facing the wall. Complain loudly that you can never find the book that you want.
45. Always flush the toilet three times.
46. Subsist entirely on pickles for a week. Vomit often.
47. Buy a copy of Frankie Yankovic’s “Pennsylvania Polka,” and play it at least 6 hours a day. If your roommate complains, explain that it’s an assignment for your primitive cultures class.
48. Give him/her an allowance.
49. Listen to radio static.
50. Open your window shades before you go to sleep each night. Close them as soon as you wake up.

Ansøgning om Jydsk statsborgerskab

Ansøgning om jydsk statsborgerskab

Navn: ________________(efternavn)
[_] Svend-Ole
[_] Svend-Bendt
[_] Svend-Aage
[_] Svend-Inge
[_] Gert-Birthe
[_] Gurli-Magrethe
(Afkryds venligst fornavn)

Alder: ____
Køn: ____ M _____ K _____ Ved ikke
Sko Størrelse: ____ Venstre ____ Højre


Ægtefælles navn: __________________________
Relation til ægtefælle:
[_] Søster[_] Bror
[_] Tante
[_] Onkel
[_] Fætter
[_] Kusine
[_] Mor
[_] Far
[_] Søn
[_] Datter
[_] Husdyr

Antal børn i husstanden: ___
Antal heraf, som er dine: ___
Moders Navn: _______________________
Faders Navn: _______________________ (Udfyld intet, hvis du ikke er sikker)

Uddannelse: 1 2 3 4 (Afkryds afgangsklasse fra folkeskolen)
___ Antal køretøjer du ejer
___ Antal køretøjer i forhaven
___ Antal køretøjer i baghaven
___ Antal heraf der er opklodset
Antal skydevåben du ejer _____
Hvor opbevarer du dem:
____ Lastbilen
____ Traktoren
____ Soveværelset
____ Dagligstuen
____ Køkkenet
____ Skuret
Type og årgang traktor: _____________ 194_

Aviser/blade du abonnerer på:
[_]Ekstra Bladet
[_]Se & Hør
[_]Ude & Hjemme

Hvor ofte bader du:
[_]Sjældnere end ovennævnte

Tændernes farve:
[_]Hvilke tænder ?

Hvilket mærke skrå foretrækker du:

Hvor langt er der fra dit hus til asfalteret vej?
[_]1 km
[_]2 km
[_]Ved ikke

Boomers remember

Then: Long hair
Now: Longing for hair

Then: A keg
Now: A ekg

Then: Acid rock
Now: Acid reflux

Then: Moving to California because it’s cool.
Now: Moving to California because it’s hot.

Then: Watching John Glenn’s historic flight with your parents
Now: Watching John Glenn’s historic flight with your kids

Then: Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Elizabeth Taylor
Now: Trying not to look like Marlon Brando or Elizabeth Taylor

Then: Seeds and stems
Now: Roughage

Then: Popping pills, smoking joints
Now: Popping joints

Then: The President’s struggle with Fidel
Now: The President’s struggle with fidelity

Then: Paar

Then: Killer weed
Now: Weed killer

Then: Hoping for a BMW
Now: Hoping for a BM

Then: The Grateful Dead
Now: Dr. Kevorkian

Then: Getting out to a new, hip joint
Now: Getting a new hip joint

Cigarette Warnings Tobacco Executives Would Like to See

Proposed new warnings for U.S. cigarette packs:

* Medical studies have proven you can still live with only one lung.

* Most forms of cancer are treatable at least for a while.

* This is only one of hundreds of products that are slowly killing you.

* Smoking does not affect the fetuses of women who aren’t pregnant.

* Refusing to inhale drastically reduces risk of lung cancer.

* Go ahead and drive or operate heavy machinery. It’s perfectly fine.

* Secondhand smoke only affects those who might breath it.

* Cigarettes don’t kill, matches do.

* Nicotine is not addictive because you know you could quit if you really wanted to.

* There have been no medical tests to conclusively prove smoking is a teeth-staining, smelly, pukey habit. And we’re not all that ready to concede the tumor-causing part either.


Hippocrates (B.C. 460-370) Greek Physician and “Father of Medicine”

AphorismsNatural forces within us are the true healers of disease.
Galen (129-199? A.D) Greek Physician

The physician is Nature’s assistant.
Aristotle Aristotle (B.C. 384-322) Greek Philosopher

The physician heals, Nature makes well.
Voltaire (1694-1778) (Francois Marie Arouet) French Historian & Writer

The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient whilenature cures the disease.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American Statesman, Scientist and Philosopher

God heals, and the doctor takes the fee.
William Broome (1689-1745)English Scholar and Poet

A doctor is a man who writes prescriptions till the patienteither dies or is cured by nature.
Petronius Arbiter (d. 66 A.D.)Roman Writer

Satyricon XLIIA doctor is nothing more than a mental consolation.
Gilles Menage (1613-1692) age (1613-1692) French Scholar, Lawyer and Cleric Menagiana

Medicine may be defined as the art or the science of keeping a patient quiet with frivolous reasons for his illness and amusing him with remedies good or bad until nature kills him or cures him.
Paracelsus (1493-1541) (T. Bombastus Von Hohenheim) Swiss Philosopher

Die grosse WundarzneiMedicine is not only a science; it is also an art.It does not consist of compounding pills and plasters; it deals with the very processes of life, which must be understood beforethey may be guided.


Walt Whitman (1819-1892)American Poet and Writer

I love doctors and hate their medicine.
SPublilius Syrus (fl. B.C. 42) Syrian Born – Roman Writer of Aphorisms

There are some remedies worse than the disease.
Francis Quarles (1592-1644) English Poet

Hieroglyphics of the Life of ManPhysicians, of all men, are most happy:whatever good success they have, the world proclaimeth and what faults they commit, the earth covereth.
Hippocrates (B.C. 460-370) Greek Physician and “Father of Medicine”

Physicians are many in title but very few in reality.
Nicholas de Belleville (1753-1831)

If you have a lawsuit, and you get one bad lawyer, you lose your suit, but you can appeal;but if you have one bad doctor, and he kills you,then there can be no appeal.
Jerome Tarshis Quoted in:Barnes & Noble Book of Quotations

The history of medicine is a story of amazing foolishnessand amazing intelligence.
Ernest L. Wynder Quoted in:The Wit and Wisdom of the 20th Century

It should be the function of medicine to have people die young as late as possible.

A doctor is the only man who can suffer from good health. OPPOSITES Finley Peter Dunne (1867-1936)American Humorist and Journalist

Mister Dooley SaysI wondher why ye can always read a doctor’s bill an’ yeniver can read his purscription.
Sir Humphrey D. Rolleston: The Wit of Medicine

Medicine is a noble profession but a damn bad business.

Medicine is a science, acquiring a practice an art.
Samuel N. Behrman (1893-1973) American Playwright

Psychoanalysis makes quite simple people feel they’re complex.
Karl Kraus (1874-1936)Austrian Satirist, Critic and Poet

Psychoanalysis is that mental illness for which it regards itself a therapy.
Shannon Fife Quoted ineter’s Quotations, Ideas for Our Time

Psychiatry is the art of teaching people how to stand on their own feet while reclining on couches. Insight
Chinese Proverb

The superior doctor prevents sickness; The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness; The inferior doctor treats actual sickness.
Robert Haven Schauffler (b. 1879) American Musician, Soldier and Poet

The ideal doctor is patient.
James Howard Means (1885-1967) Daedalus, 1963

The custom of giving patients appointments weeks in advance, during which time their illness may become seriously aggravated, seems to me to fall short of the ideal doctor- patient relationship.
English Proverb

Heaven defend me from a busy doctor.

The person most often late for a doctor’s appointment is the doctor himself.
Paul Reznikoff (b. 1896) Quoted in: Familiar Medical Quotations, by M. B. Strauss

A physician is judged by the three A’s, Ability, Availability and Affability. doctor makes $191,000.00, after expenses.The average full time worker in the U.S. earns $29,748.00.
David Jones American DoctorQuoted in:New Yorker, 7/23/84

Doctors coin money when they do procedures [but] familymedicine doesn’t have any procedures.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) English Dramatist and Poet

By medicine life may be prolong’d, yet death Will seize the Doctor too.
Galen (129-c.199 A.D)Greek Physician Of Protecting the Health

That physician will hardly be thought very careful of thehealth of others who neglects his own.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) British Dramatist, Critic, Novelist and Wit: The Doctor’s Dilemma

The most tragic thing in the world is a sick doctor.
Voltaire (1694-1778) (Francois Marie Arouet) French Historian & Writer

I know of nothing more laughable than a doctor who does not die of old age.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) British Dramatist, Critic, Novelist and Wit: The Doctor’s Dilemma

Make it compulsory for a doctor using a brass plate to have inscribed on it, in addition to the letters indicating his qualifications, the words “Remember that I too am mortal.”


Agatha Christie (1891-1975) English Writer

Endless NightDoctors can do almost anything nowadays, can’t they, unless they kill you while they’re trying to cure you.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) British Dramatist, Critic, Novelist and Wit

A doctor’s reputation is made by the number of eminent men who have died under his care.
Charles Lamb (1775-1834) English Essayist

English physicians kill you, the French let you die.
Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959)American Architect

A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his client to plant vines.
John of Salisbury (d. 1180) English Prelate and Scholar: Policraticus

The common people say, that physicians are the class of people who kill other men in the most polite and courteous manner.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) British Dramatist, Critic, Novelist and Wit: The Doctor’s Dilemma

When men die of disease they are said to die from natural causes.When they recover (and mostly they do) the doctor gets the credit of curing them.
Nicholas Chamfort (1741-1794) French Wit and Writer

The threat of a neglected cold is for doctors what the threat of purgatory is for priests – a gold mine.
Marcel Proust (1871-1922) French Novelist

Illness is the most heeded of doctors:to goodness andwisdom we only make promises; pain we obey. he needs a physician who will support the patient’s strength and help him against the disease.
Rhazes (850-923) (A. B. M. ibn Z. Razi) Persian Physician

When the disease is stronger than the patient, the physician will not be able to help him at all, and if the strength of the patient is greater than the strength of the disease, hedoes not need a physician at all. But when both are equal, 6 externals cooperate.
Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) Prussian Statesman and Chancellor

Physicians still retain something of their priestly origin;they would gladly do what they forbid.
Franklin P. Adams (1881-1960) (F.P.A.) American Journalist and Humorist The Health Master, Ch. I

With the exception of lawyers, there is no profession whichconsiders itself above the law so widely as the medical profession.
Philemon (B.C. 361-262) Greek Poet of New Comedy

Doctors order for their patients a strict regime; when they themselves are ill in bed they do everything that they have forbidden to others.
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930)British Physician and Writer

When a doctor does go wrong he is the first of criminals.He has nerve and he has knowledge.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) British Dramatist, Critic, Novelist and Wit

Let no one suppose that the words doctor and patient can disguise from the parties the fact that they are employerand employee.
William Cullen (b. 1920)American Entertainer

It is the manner of hypochondriacs to change often their physician . . . for a physician who does not admit the reality of the disease cannot be supposed to take much pains to cure it.
Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) French Philosopher and Essayist Essays

Who ever saw a doctor use the prescription of his colleagues without cutting out or adding something?

The mark of a true doctor is usually illegible.
Marty Indik Quoted in:1,911 Best Things Anybody Ever Said, R. Byrne

Half of analysis is anal.
Alexander Chase: Perspectives

Psychiatry’s chief contribution to philosophy is the discovery that the toilet is the seat of the soul.
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian Physician – Founder of Psychoanalysis: Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis

It might be said of psychoanalysis that if you give it your little finger, it will soon have your whole hand.
Laurence J. Peter (b. 1919) Canadian-American Educator and Author

Psychiatry enables us to correct our faults by confessing to our parents’ shortcomings.
Paul Valery (1871-1945) (Ambroise-Paul-T.-Jules) French Philosopher & Poet: Mauvaises pensees et autres

A man who is “of sound mind” is one who keeps the innermadman under lock and key.
Robert Webb-Johnstone: Collected Papers

A neurotic is the man who builds a castle in the air.A psychotic is the man who lives in it.And a psychiatristis the man who collects the rent. is simply “an indisposed eccentric.”
R. D. Laing (b. 1927) British Psychiatrist: The Guardian

Doctors in all ages have made fortunes by killing their patients by means of their cures.The difference in psychiatry is that is the death of the soul.
Martin Henry Fischer (b. 1879)American Scientist, Author and Educator

The practice of medicine is a thinker’s art, the practice of surgery a plumber’s.
Stanley O. Hoerr: American Journal of Surgery

The surgeon is a man of action.By temperament and by training he prefers to serve the sick by operating on them,and he inwardly commiserates with a patient so unfortunate as to have a disease not suited to surgical treatment.
Surgeon:A man who’s always out for his cut.
Astley Paston Cooper (1768-1841)English Surgeon: Lectures on Surgery

I have made many mistakes myself; in learning the anatomy of the eye I dare say, I have spoiled a hatful; the best surgeon, like the best general, is he who makes the fewest mistakes.
William Stewart Halsted (1852-1922) American Surgeon: Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1912

The only weapon with which the unconscious patient can immediately retaliate upon the incompetent surgeon ishemorrhage.
Charles L. Dana (1852-1935)

All the real, solid, elemental jests against doctors wereuttered some one or two thousand years ago.
Salvador de Madariaga y Rojo (1886-1978)Spanish Writer and Diplomat

There is no medicine; there are only medicine men. equal attention to the rich and the poor. Positive
George Merck (1894-1957)

Medicine is for the patient. Medicine is for the people.It is not for the profits.
Alexander Pope (1688-1744)English Poet, Critic and Translator

A wise physician, skilled our ills to heal,is more than armies to the public weal.
Sir James Bryce (1838-1922) British Jurist, Historian and Diplomat

Medicine (is) the only profession that labours incessantly to destroy the reason for its own existence.
Samuel Bartlett Parris (1806-1827) Quoted in: Familiar Medical Quotations, ed. M. Strauss

A richer pleasure, earth cannot afford Than when it is your lot, a friend to save From sinking down to his untimely grave.
Voltaire (1694-1778) (Francois Marie Arouet) French Historian & Writer

A Philosophical DictionaryMen who are occupied in the restoration of health to other men, by the joint exertion of skill and humanity, are aboveall the great of the earth.They even partake of divinity,since to preserve and renew is almost as noble as to create.
Sushruta (5th C.? B.C.) Quoted in: Familiar Medical Quotations, ed. M. Strauss

By doing good to humanity with his professional skill, a physician achieves glory, and acquires the plaudits of the good and the wise in this life, and shall live in Paradise in the next.
Alexander Pope (1688-1744) English Poet, Critic and Translator

They (physicians) are in general the most amiable companions and the best friends, as well as the most learned men I know.
William Osler (1849-1919) Canadian Physician and Professor: “Books and Men,” Aequanimitas, with Other Addresses

In the records of no other profession is there to be found so large a number of men who have combined intellectualpre-eminence with nobility of character.
John Ruskin (1819-1900) English Critic and Social Theorist: The Crown of the Wild Olive

They [doctors], on the whole, desire to cure the sick; and – if they are good doctors and the choice were fairly put to them – would rather cure their patient and lose their fee, than kill him and get it.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American Statesman, Scientist and Philosopher

He’s the best physician that knows the worthlessness of most medicines.
Ovid (B.C.43-18A.D.) (Publius Ovidius Naso) Latin Poet: Remedia amoris

Time is the best medicine.
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) English Statesman and Author: Henrietta Temple

Time is the great physician.
Peter Latham Quoted in:Barnes & Noble Book of Quotations

Common sense is in medicine the master workman.
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894) American Author, Physician and Humorist

What I call a good patient is one who, having found a good physician, sticks to him till he dies.
Will Rogers (1879-1935) American Humorist: The Autobiography of Will Rogers, 1949

The best doctor in the world is a veterinarian.He can’task his patients what is the matter – he’s got to just know.
Lawrence Sterne (1713-1768) English Clergyman and Humorist: A Sentimental Journey

There are worse occupations in this world than feeling a woman’s pulse.
Brahmanic Saying

In illness the physician is a father; in convalescence, afriend; when health is restored, he is a guardian.
Gordon N Byron (1788-1824) English Poet

Physicians mend or end us; but though in health we sneer; when sick we call them to attend us, without the least propensity to jeer.
Voltaire (1694-1778) (Francois Marie Arouet) French Historian & Writer

Doctors are men who prescribe medicinesof which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less,in humans beings of whom they no nothing. NEGATVE
Moliere (1622-1673) (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) French Dramatist & Actor: Le Malade imaginaire

Nearly all men die of their medicines, and not of their illnesses.
Vergil (B.C. 70-19) Vergil (B.C. 70-19) (Publius Virgilius Maro) Roman Epic Poet Aeneid

The medicine increases the disease.
Martin Henry Fischer (b. 1879)American Scientist, Author and Educator

Half the modern drugs could well be thrown out the window, except that the birds might eat them.
Marcel Proust (1871-1922) French Novelist

For every disease that doctors cure with medicine, theyproduce ten in healthy people by inoculating them with thatvirus which is a thousand times more powerful than any microbe:the idea that one is ill.
Dylan Thomas (1914-1953)Welsh Poet: The Doctor and the Devils

When I take up assassination, I shall start with the surgeons in this city and work UP to the gutter.
National Lampoon, 1975

Medicine:The Nation’s Number One Killer.
Avicenna (980-1037) (Ibn Sina) Islamic Scientist and Philosopher

An ignorant doctor is the aide-de-camp of death.
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)French General and Emperor

Doctors will have more lives to answer for in the next world than even we generals.
Gottfried W. Leibniz (1646-1716)German Philosopher and Mathematician (attributed)

I often say a great doctor kills more people than a great general.
Matthew Prior (1664-1721) English Poet and Diplomat: The Remedy Worse than the Disease

Cured yesterday of my disease, I died last night of the physician.
Reginald Fitz Quoted in:National Enquirer, 1993: BAD DOCTORS KILL OR MAIM 300,000 PATIENTS A YEAR

America’s state medical boards fail miserably when it comes to cracking down on incompetent doctors, a leading public interest group charges.
Martial (A.D. 40?-102?)Roman Poet and Epigrammatist: Epigrams

Lately was Diaulus a doctor, now he is an undertaker. What the undertaker now does the doctor too did before.
Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) French Philosopher and Essayist: “One Man’s Profit Is Another Man’s Harm,” Essays

No doctor takes pleasure in the health even of his friends.
German Proverb

A young doctor means a new graveyard.
Ben Jonson (1572-1637)English Playwright and Poet

Many funerals discredit a physician.
English Proverb

While the doctors consult, the patient dies.
Ecclesiasticus (B.C. 200?) Jewish – Apocrypha – Old Testament

He that sinneth before his Maker, let him fall into the hand of the physician.
The Bible: Mark 5:25

And a certain woman…had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse.
Eugene O’Neill (1888-1953) American Playwright: Long Day’s Journey Into Night

I hate doctors!They’ll do anything – anything to keep you coming to them.They’ll sell their souls!What’s worse,they’ll sell yours, and you never know it till one day you find yourself in hell!
Alice James (1848-1892) (Mary Waterstreet) American Writer

I suppose one has a greater sense of intellectual degradation after an interview with a doctor thanfrom any human experience. needless, when my physician did or ought to have to knownbetter?
Heraclitus (B.C. 535-475)Greek Philosopher

Physicians who cut, burn, stab, and rack the sick demand a fee for it which they do not deserve to get.
John Mortimer: Observer (8/20/7

There is no human activity, eating, sleeping, drinking or sex which some doctor somewhere won’t discover leads directly to cardiac arrest.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)French Classical Writer: Maxims

To safeguard one’s health at the cost of too strict a diet is a tiresome illness indeed.
Carpis Linnaeus (1707-1778) (Carl von Linn‚ Swedish Botanist and Physician: Diaeta Naturalis (Introduction)

To live by medicine is to live horribly.
Don Herold (b. 1889)American Humorous Writer and Artist

Doctors think a lot of patients are cured who have simply quit in disgust.
Benjamin Rush (1745?-1813) American Physician and Educator: Autobiography

Medicine is an occupation for slaves.
Sir William Osler (1849-1919) Canadian Physician and Professor

It is astonishing with how little reading a doctor can practice medicine, but it is not astonishing how badly he may do it.
Johann W. von Goethe (1749-1832)German Poet and Novelist

Thus I saw that most men only care for science so far as they get a living by it, and that they worship even errorwhen it affords them a subsistence.
It is almost impossible to find a doctor who is poor, even though there are many poor doctors.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) British Dramatist, Critic, Novelist and Wit

There are not competent people enough in the world to go round; somebody must get the incompetent lawyers and doctors.
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)American – 3rd President of the United States: Letter, 1807

I believe we may safely affirm, that the inexperienced and presumptuous band of medical tyros let loose upon the world, destroy more of human life in one year than all the Robinhoods, Cartouches, & MacHeaths do in a century. Advice
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)English Author

The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quietand Doctor Merryman.
Friedrich von Logau (1604-1655) (Salomon von Golaw) German Epigrammatist: Die Beste Arznei

Joy and Temperance and ReposeSlam the door on the doctor’s nose.
H. G. Bohn (1796-1884) English Publisher Quoted in:Best Quotations for All Occasions

Nature, time, and patience are the three great physicians.
Frances Willard (1839-1898) American Educator and Reformer: Francis Willard:Her Life and Work, Journal Entry

Here’s a recipe for the abolishment of the Blues which is worth a dozen medical nostrums: Take one spoonful of Pleasant memories.Take two spoonfuls of Endeavors for the Ÿ prolonging your life, only takes away your power of enjoying it.
Valens (328?-378 A.D.) Roman Emperor of the East

Keep the physician from your door as long as you can.
John Dryden (1631-1700) English Poet, Dramatist and Critic: Epistle to John Dryden of Chesterton

Better to hunt in fields for health unbought,Than fee the doctor for a nauseous draught.The wise for cure on exercise depend; God never made his work for man to mend.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) English Dramatist and Poet: Timon of Athens

Trust not the physician; His antidotes are poison, and he slays More than you rob.
Sir William Osler (1849-1919) Canadian Physician and Professor

One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809-1894)American Physician & Humorist: Medical Essays

No families take so little medicine as those of doctors, except those of apothecaries.
Francois Rabelais (1494?-1553) Pantagruel

We entrust…our bodies to physicians, who, to a man, loathe medicine and refuse to take physics.
Anthony Burgess: Nothing Like the Sun

Keep away from physicians.It is all probing and guessing and pretending with them.They leave it to Nature to cure in her own time, but take the credit.As well as very fat fees.
Lewis Thomas American Doctor Quoted in:New York Times, 7/4/76

The great secret of doctors, known only to their wives, but still hidden from the public, is that most things get better by themselves; most things, in fact, are better in the morning.
Brock Chisholm

You can only cure retail but you can prevent wholesale.
Chekhov (1860-1904)(Anton Pavlovich) Russian Writer and Dramatist: The Cherry Orchard

When a lot of remedies are suggested for a disease, that means it can’t be cured.
Nicholas Chamfort (1741-1794) French Wit and Writer

A doctor used to say:”Only heirs really pay well.”
John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) British Economist: Best Things Anybody Ever Said

The patient is not likely to recover who makes the doctor his heir.
Chekhov (1860-1904)(Anton Pavlovich) Russian Writer and Dramatist

Doctors are just the same as lawyers; the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you.
Thomas Browne (1605-1682) English Author, Physician, and Philosopher

No one should approach the temple of science with the soul of a money changer.
Walter Martin American Doctor – Former President of AMA: “Medicine and the Public Welfare”

The very success of medicine in a material way may now threaten the soul of medicine.
Hippocrates (B.C. 460-370) Greek Physician and “Father of Medicine”

Wherever a doctor cannot do good, he must keep from doingharm.
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)English Nurse and Philanthropist

The very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm.
Charles H. Mayo (1865-1939) American Surgeon

The sooner patients can be removed from the depressing influence of general hospital life the more rapid their convalescence.
Lord Thomas Horder (1871-1955): Speech in House of Lords, 1936

It is the duty of a doctor to prolong life.It is not his duty to prolong the act of dying.
Christian Barnard (b. 1922) South African Surgeon

The prime goal is to alleviate suffering, and not to prolong life.And if your treatment does not alleviate suffering, but only prolongs life, that treatment should be stopped.
Francis Bacon (1561-1626) English Philosopher, Essayist and Statesman: The Advancement of Learning, Bk. II

The poets did well to conjoin Music and Medicine in Apollo;because the office of medicine is but to tune this curious harp of man’s body and to reduce it to harmony.
Mondeville Quoted in: The Viking Book of Aphorisms, by W. H. Auden

Keep up the spirits of your patient with the music of the viol and the psaltery, or by forging letters telling of the death of his enemies, or (if he be a cleric) by informing him that he has been made a bishop.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) British Dramatist, Critic, Novelist and Wit: Preface to: Misalliance

Optimistic lies have such immense therapeutic value that a doctor who cannot tell them convincingly has mistaken his profession.
Hugh Cairns (1896-1952): Lancet

The good doctor, whether general practitioner or specialist, is also a man who studies the patient’s personality as wellas his disease.
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Austrian Physician – Founder of Psychoanalysis: One of the Difficulties of Psychoanalysis

Look into the depths of your own soul and learn first to know yourself, then you will understand why this illness was bound to come upon you and perhaps you will thenceforthavoid falling ill.
Muriel Spark (b. 1918)Scottish Writer

One should only see a psychiatrist out of boredom.
Marvin Kitman Quoted in: Peter’s Quotations, Ideas for Our Time

The pen is mightier that the sword! The case forprescriptions rather than surgery.
Hippocrates (B.C. 460-370) Greek Physician and “Father of Medicine”: About the Physician

He who wishes to be a surgeon should go to war.
Robert Tuttle Morris (1857-1945) Doctors Versus Folks, Ch. 3

The greatest triumph of surgery today…lies in finding ways for avoiding surgery.
John Kirklin American Surgeon Quoted in: Time, 5/3/63

Surgery is always second best.If you can do somethingelse, it’s better.
Edward C. Lambert Quoted in: Barnes & Noble Book of Quotations

Those in the United States who, by and large, have the best medical care and advice readily available to them at the least expense are the families of the specialists in internal medicine.These families use less medicine andÅ but if I let the leg go, nobody can ever prove that it would not have mortified had I been obstinate.Operation is therefore the safe side for the surgeon as well as the lucrative side.
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914?) American Journalist and Author

Before undergoing a surgical operation arrange your temporal affairs.You may live.
You should consult my doctor.You will never live to regret it!
Mark Twain (1835-1910) (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) American Humorist

Be careful about reading health books.You may die of a misprint.
Erma Bombeck (b. 1927) American Writer

Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.
Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) French Novelist: Dictionary of Accepted Ideas

Medicine:When in good health, make fun of it.


Charles Churchill (1731-1764) English Poet and Satirist

The surest road to health, say what they will, Is never to suppose we shall be ill; – Most of those evils we poor mortals know,From doctors and imagination flow.
JohnC. Lettsom Quoted in:Say it Again, edited by Dorothy Uris

When people’s ill, they come to I, I Physics, bleeds, and sweats ’em; Sometimes they live, sometimes they die. What’s that to I?I lets ’em.
Sir Samuel Garth (1661-1719)English Physician and Poet: The Dispensary

One doctor, singly like the sculler plies, The patient struggles, and by inches dies; But two physicians, like a pair of oars, Waft him right swiftly to the Stygian shores.
Maximillianus Urientius (1559-1613): The Physician, Surgeon, and Hangman

I tell you, the one by his drugs and pills,By his knife the other, the churchyard fills: The diff’rence only from the Hangman’s seen, Their work’s clumsy and slow, his quick and clean.
Francis Beaumont (1584-1616) English Dramatist: The Spanish Curate

The doctors are our friends; wish them no ill, For though they kill but slow, they’re certain.
Philip Massinger (1583-1640)English Dramatist

Out, ye impostors! Quack-salving, cheating mountebanks – your skill Is to make sound men sick, and sick men kill.
Joseph Jekyll (1754-1837)

The parson shows the way to heaven,And then with tender care

The doctor consummates the work And sends the patient there.
Samuel Butler (1612-1680) English Poet Hudibras

For men are brought to worse distresses, By taking physic, than diseases; And therefore commonly recover,As soon as doctors give them over.
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914?) American Journalist and Author: The Devil’s Dictionary

Body-snatcher, n. A robber of grave-worms. One who supplies the young physicians with that with which the old physicians havesupplied the undertaker.
Mark Twain (1835-1910) (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) American Humorist

He has been a doctor a year now and has had two patients – no three, I think – yes, it was three; I attended theirfunerals. In this combination, you’ll readily see, You’ve most all that’s needed to be an M.D.
17th Century Poem

First of the pedant you borrow the air,And with a long wig cover up all your hair:Then trick out your habit with fur and satin,And constantly babble in Greek and Latin. I mean to put them in their place.
Thomas Wolfe (1900-1938)American Novelist: Cursory Rhymes, “Poems Against Doctors,” I

The doctors are a frightful race.I can’t see how they have the face to go on practicing their base profession; but in any case
William Snowden Battles (1827-1895?): A Doctor’s Dream

For many hold ‘twould be so hard Through Heaven’s gate to wheedle A doctor as to drive a camel through A hypodermic needle.So that you and your heirs May be properly billed.
John Dryden (1631-1700) English Poet, Dramatist and Critic: To John Dryden, Esq.

So liv’d our sires ere doctors learn’d to kill,And multiplied with theirs the weekly bill.
Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953)English Author

They answered, as they took their fees,”There is no cure for this disease.”
Ogden Nash (1902-1971)American Humorous Poet

Professional men, they have no cares; whatever happens, they get theirs.
John Gay (1688-1732) English Playwright and Poet: Fables I:”The Sick Man and the Angel”

“Is there no hope?” the sick man said. The silent doctor shook his head.And took his leave with signs of sorrow, Despairing of his fee tomorrow. While back of the tongue in a solo game Sat Dangerous Ah Kerchoo.And watching his luck was his light of love The malady

Hector Berlioz (1803-1869)French Composer: Memoirs

At the sight of that terrible charnel house – the fragments of limbs, the grinning heads and gaping skulls,the bloody quagmire underfoot and the atrocious smell it gave off, the swarms of sparrow wrangling over scraps ofæ delightful place their ration of lung…tossing a shoulder-blade to a great rat who was staring at me with famished eyes.
Eugene Field (1850-1895)American Poet and Journalist: Doctors

When one’s all right, he’s prone to spite The doctor’s peaceful mission; But when he’s sick, it’s loud and quickHe bawls for a physician.
Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)English Poet and Critic: A Wish

Nor bring to watch me cease to live Some Doctor, full of phrase and fame To shake his sapient head and give The ill he can not cure – a name. That I abandon all my vicesNor pull a long face in a crisis,But with a twinkle in his eyeWill tell me that I have to die.
Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) American Poet and and Writer: “Footnotes to Dr. Sheldon”

Give me a doctor partridge-plump,Short in the leg and broad in the rump,An endomorph with gentle hands Who’ll never make absurd demands
Graham Greene (1904-1991): Travels With My Aunt

The first sign of his approaching end was when my old aunts, while undressing him, removed a toe with one of his socks.
James Joyce (1882-1941) Irish Novelist: Ulysses

A cough ball of laughter leaped from his throat dragging after it a rattling chain of phlegm.
Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774) English Poet and Prose Writer

The doctor found, when she was dead, Her last disorder mortal.
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American Poet

Surgeons must be very careful When they take the knife!Underneath their fine incisions Stirs the Culprit – Life!
Thomas Randolph (1605-1635) English Poet and Dramatist

He’s a bad surgeon, that, for pity, spares The part corrupted, till the gangrene spread,, And all the body perish; he that’s mercifulUnto the bad, is cruel to the just.
H. G. Wells (1866-1946) (Reginald Bliss) English Novelist and Sociologist: Bealby

The thought of dentists gave him just the same sick horror as the thought of socialism.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809-1894)American Author, Physician and Humorist Rip Van Winkle, M.D., Canto II

He had, in fact, an ancient, mildewed air, A long gray beard, a plenteous lack of hair,-The musty look that always recommendsYour good old Doctor to his ailing friends. If there’s good reason why I wait, like your day’s hectic pace Explain, don’t just ignore.I’ll try to take it with good grace. And will you kindly book appointments with a schedule you can keep?Then patients won’t be herded like a flock of stupid sheep. JOKES
Patient: How do my X-rays look Doctor? Doctor:Well I just talked to my accountant and it looks like you’re going to need surgery.
Archie Bunker

All in the Family – TV ShowAll them surgeons – they’re highway robbers.Why do you think they wear masks when they work on you?
Herb Shriner (1918-1970)American Entertainer

Our doctor would never really operate unless it wasnecessary.He was just that way.If he didn’t need the money, he wouldn’t lay a hand on you.
Joey Bishop (b. 1918)

American Comedian My doctor is wonderful. Once, in 1955, when I couldn’t afford an operation, he touched up the X-rays.
Cartoon caption in S.F. Examiner 1992

Doctor to patient being prepared for an operation: “We’re going to have to knock you out.Would you like anesthetic or a peek at your bill?
Francis O’Walsh Quoted ineter’s Quotations, ed. by Laurence J. Peter

A hospital should also have a recovery room adjoining thecashier’s office.
Groucho Marx (1890-1977)(Julius H. Marx) American Comedic Entertainer

A hospital bed is a parked taxi with the meter running.
L.Arnot L. Sheppard, Jr.

Is the time coming when it will be spelled ho$pital?
Now I know where the phrase “family doctor” comes from.For what he charges, you could raise a family.
I think I know why doctors call it your annual checkup. Each year what goes up is your check.
I went to a doctor for a complete checkup and the firstthing he did while I undressed was to examine my wallet.
From Cartoon in the Sunday, S.F. Examiner

One person to another:”My doctor told me my illness was psychosomatic so I wrote him an imaginary check.”
Walter Matthau (b. 1920)American Actor

My doctor gave me six months to live but when I couldn’t pay the bill he gave me six months more.
Q:How many doctors does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A:It depends on whether or not the bulb has health insurance.
Specialist:A doctor who has patients trained to become ill only during office hours.
We’re living in an age of medical specialists.Nowadays what four out of five doctors recommend is another doctor.

One doctor makes work for another.
Q: What do they the call the person who came in 99th in a class of 99 medical students?

A: Doctor. Frankly, I’d have been better off staying here.”
Exhausted by long, tense months of work, the doctordecides to unwind by going on a safari.When he returns,his nurse asks him how he enjoyed himself. “It was terrible,”he said,”I didn’t kill a thing.
Denis Diderot (1713-1784) French Philosopher, Critic and Encyclopedist

The best doctor is the one you run for and can’t find.
Patient 1:You say this doctor has a large practice?

Patient 2:It’s so large that when a patient has nothing the matter with him he tells him so.
Q:Am I getting better, Doctor?

A:I don’t know, let me feel your purse.
Patient 1:The doctor said he’d have me on my feet within two weeks.

Patient 2:And did he?

Patient 1:Sure.I had to sell my automobile.
Yes, the doctor will consider a house call.What time can you be at his house?
According to the sage, an internist knows everything and does nothing, a surgeon does everything and knows nothing, and a psychiatrist knows nothing and does nothing.Only a pathologist knows everything and does everything…too late.
Carrie Snow Quoted in: The Quotable Quote Book, ed. by Merrit Malloy

A male gynecologist is like an auto mechanic who has never owned a car.
He was a gynecologist with a sense of humor:whenever hemade the rounds at the old age home, he introduced himself as a spreader of old wives’ tails.
Dr. Rush, the pediatrician, was a man known to have very little patients…
Nipsey Russell (b. 1924)American Entertainer

Did you hear about the dermatologist who built his practice very deliberately?… He started from scratch.
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914?) American Journalist and Author: The Devil’s Dictionary

Dentist, n. A prestidigitator who, putting metal into your mouth, pulls coins out of your pocket.
My dentist is painless.HE doesn’t feel a thing.
George D. Prentice (1802-1870)American Journalist and Humorist

A dentist at work in his vocation always looks down in the mouth.
Erma Bombeck (b. 1927)American Writer

Never accept a drink from a urologist.
Flash Gordon, M.D.: Posted on “The Well”

Q. Why do some docs have the attitude they do?

A. They think “M.D.” stands for “minor deity.”
Don Quinn Quoted inictionary of Quotable Definitions

Doctor – The middleman between the bird with the big bill and the guy with the big sickle.
J. Chalmers Da Costa (1863-1933): The Trials and Triumphs of the Surgeon

A fashionable surgeon like a pelican can be recognized bythe size of his bill.
Judge Tudor Rees: News Review (11/27/47)

Doctors really must get typewriters.This lady is suffering from something unreadable.
Anonymous Veterinary Surgeon

None of my patients are hypochondriacs but you should see some of the owners.
Leo Rosten: Hooray for Yiddish

When there’s a cure, it was only half a disease.
Franklin P. Adams (1881-1960) (F.P.A.) American Journalist and Humorist

A psychiatrist is a fellow who asks you a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing.
Maxwell Hyman Quoted in: Dictionary of Quotable Definitions

Psychiatrist – Someone who will listen to you as long as you don’t make sense.

You go to a psychiatrist when you’re slightly crackedand keep going until you’re completely broke.
Samuel Goldwyn (1882-1974) (Samuel Goldfish) American Motion Picture Producer: The Great Goldwyn

Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist ought to have his head examined.
Anonymous The Wit of Medicine (ed. L. and M. Cowan)

Psychiatry – the care of the id by the odd.
Karl Kraus (1874-1936)Austrian Satirist, Critic and Poet

Psychoanalysts are father confessors who like to listen to the sins of the fathers as well.
Gilbert K. Chesterton (1874-1936) English Novelist and Essayist

Psychoanalysis is confession without absolution.
Mervyn Stockwood (b. 1913)British Clergyman

A psychiatrist is a man who goes to the Folies Bergere and looks at the audience.

A job-weary woman on vacation sent her psychotherapist a card.She wrote, “Having a wonderful time – wish you were here to tell me why.”thing like that trouble you!”
Then there was a man who complained to his psychiatrist that he had an inferiority complex about the diminutive size of his penis. Smiling, the shrink said, “Oh, I wouldn’t let a little 8 “WHAT!” shrieked the horrified doctor.”That’s the best part.”
There was a loud rap on the door and the psychiatrist hurried to answer it.”Doc,” said a frightened voice.”I must speak to you about my brother.He break thermometers, drinks the mercury and throws the glass away.”
David Mercer: A Suitable Case for Treatment, BBC TV, 1962

Did you hear what the white rat said to the otherwhite rat? . . . I’ve got that psychologist so welltrained that every time I ring the bell he bringsme something to eat.
Q. How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?

A. Only one, but the light bulb has to really WANT to change.
David Grimes S.F. Chronicle 1992

What doctors say: “I’d like to run that test again.”

What they mean: “The lab lost your blood sample.”
When I told my doctor about my loss of memory he made me pay in advance.
Robin O’Donnell Posted on “The Well”

Doctor, Doctor, my brother thinks he’s a chicken.Bring him in, I think I can cure that. I would, Doc, but we need the eggs.
A hospital is a place where people who are run down generally wind up.
Feeling her way into the optometrist’s office, Sallysaid, “I sat on my eyeglasses and busted them.Will the doctor have to examine me all over again?””No,” said the receptionist.”Just your eyes.”with your dentistry.”
Q:Know why the prettiest nurse at the hospital is known as “Appendix?”

A:Only the doctors are allowed to take her out.

Facts – amusing but true

Bank robber John Dillinger played professional baseball.
If you toss a penny 10000 times, it will not be heads 5000 times, but more like 4950. The heads picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom.
The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher.
The housefly hums in the middle octave, key of F.
A pig’s orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.
If your eyes are six feet above the surface of the ocean, the horizon will be about three statute miles away.
The longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. The only other word with the same amount of letters is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconioses, its plural.
Hydroxydesoxycorticosterone and hydroxydeoxycorticosterones are the largest anagrams.
Los Angeles’s full name is “El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula.”
Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.
An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
Mel Blanc (the voice of Bugs Bunny) was allergic to carrots.
The band Duran Duran got their name from an astronaut in the 1968 Jane Fonda movie “Barbarella.
Cleo and Caesar were the early stage names of Cher and Sonny Bono.
Ben and Jerry’s send the waste from making ice cream to local pig farmers to use as feed. Pigs love the stuff, except for one flavor: Mint Oreo.
The company providing the liability insurance for the Republican National Convention in San Diego is the same firm that insured the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic.
Al Capone’s business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
Dr. Samuel A. Mudd was the physician who set the leg of Lincoln’s assassin John Wilkes Booth…and whose shame created the expression for ignominy, “His name is Mudd.”
The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.
The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin during World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
Wilma Flintstone’s maiden name was Wilma Slaghoopal, and Betty Rubble’s Maiden name was Betty Jean Mcbricker.
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
The Ramses brand condom is named after the great pharaoh Ramses II who fathered over 160 children.
If NASA sent birds into space they would soon die, they need gravity to swallow.
Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.
The characters Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street were named after Bert the cop and Ernie the taxi driver in Frank Capra’s “Its A Wonderful Life”.
It was discovered on a space mission that a frog can throw up. The frog throws up its stomach first, so the stomach is dangling out of its mouth. Then the frog uses its forearms to dig out all of the stomach’s contents and then swallows the stomach back down again.
Armored knights raised their visors to identify themselves when they rode past their king. This custom has become the modern military salute.
White Out was invented by the mother of Mike Nesmith (Formerly of the Monkees).
Sylvia Miles had the shortest performance ever nominated for an Oscar with “Midnight Cowboy.” Her entire role lasted only six minutes.
Charles Lindbergh took only four sandwiches with him on his famous transatlantic flight.
Goethe couldn’t stand the sound of barking dogs and could only write if he had an apple rotting in the drawer of his desk.
If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
Gilligan of Gilligan’s Island had a first name that was only used once, on the never-aired pilot show. His first name was Willy. The skipper’s real name on Gilligan’s Island is Jonas Grumby. It was mentioned once in the first episode on their radio’s newscast about the wreck.
In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
Playing cards were issued to British pilots in WWII. If captured, they could be soaked in water and unfolded to reveal a map for escape.
The “L.L.” in L.L. Bean stands for Leon Leonwood.
Ivory bar soap floating was a mistake. They had been overmixing the soap formula causing excess air bubbles that made it float. Customers wrote and told how much they loved that it floated, and it has floated ever since.
Studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh floor of a building it has about thirty percent less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the twentieth floor. It supposedly takes about eight floors for the cat to realize what is occurring, relax and correct itself.
The saying “it’s so cold out there it could freeze the balls off a brass monkey” came from when they had old cannons like ones used in the Civil War. The cannonballs were stacked in a pyramid formation, called a brass monkey. When it got extremely cold outside they would crack and break off… Thus the saying.
Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks, otherwise it will digest itself.
The Sanskrit word for “war” means “desire for more cows.”
A walla-walla scene is one where extras pretend to be talking in the background — when they say “walla-walla” it looks like they are actually talking.
The phrase “rule of thumb” is derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn’t beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.
101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan (Wendy) are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents that are present and don’t die throughout the movie.
‘Stewardesses’ is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.
The Baby Ruth candy bar was actually named after Grover Cleveland’s baby daughter, Ruth.
A whale’s penis is called a dork.
Armadillos have four babies at a time and they are always all the same sex.
Armadillos are the only animal besides humans that can get leprosy.
To escape the grip of a crocodile’s jaws, push your thumbs into its eyeballs — it will let you go instantly.
Reindeer like to eat bananas.
A group of unicorns is called a blessing.
Twelve or more cows are known as a “flink.”
A group of frogs is called an army.
A group of rhinos is called a crash.
A group of kangaroos is called a mob.
A group of whales is called a pod.
A group of geese is called a gaggle.
A group of ravens is called a murder.
A group of officers is called a mess.
A group of larks is called an exaltation.
A group of owls is called a parliament.
Physicist Murray Gell-Mann named the sub-atomic particles known as quarks for a random line in James Joyce, “Three quarks for Muster Mark!”
Every time you lick a stamp, you’re consuming 1/10 of a calorie.
The phrase “sleep tight” derives from the fact that early mattresses were filled with straw and held up with rope stretched across the bedframe. A tight sleep was a comfortable sleep.
“Three dog night” (attributed to Australian Aborigines) came about because on especially cold nights these nomadic people needed three dogs (dingos, actually) to keep from freezing.