Political anagrams

Rearrange the letters below and get the right meaning!

George Walker Bush, President of the United States of America
= Damn! Result is garbage, takes pretender to White House office.

Candidate George W. Bush, Governor of Texas
= Whos bagged votes for a grand executioner?

George Walker Bush, President of the USA
= Pretender grabs White House — flag use OK?

The Governor of Texas George W Bush
=Ohh no, Gores few extra votes! Bugger

The President Of The United States Of America, George Walker Bush
= Power take after seed foe, Mr. Clinton… but gee… he sure is a shithead!

Democrat Al Gore
= Great moral code

Compassionate Conservative
= Conspire to save a vast income!

Florida Supreme Court
= Is up for Democrat rule

Senator John McCain
= No! Isnt major chance

Electoral Votes
= Ever-close total

Bill Clintons Last Year in Office
= Fellations cost fine brilliancy.

President Gore = I represent God.

Strom Thurmond, Republican
= Bald moron interrupts much

William Jefferson Clinton (president)
= Jilts nice women. In for fall.
= Fine: If in jam, controls well.
= Female joins clown in flirt

= Stupid sneer

The First Lady
= Has felt dirty

The President of the United States
= Refined path to the destituteness.

The President of The United States of America, Bill Clinton
= Tried to catch it in a tin pot, but semen fell on a dress. Life, eh?

William Jefferson Clinton, President of the USA
= Intern fellated; major lies; now cut off his penis!

White House Intern Miss Monica Samille Lewinsky
= Hey! William Clinton arouses me. Hi! Im Kens witness!

United States of America
= Dine out, taste a Mac, fries.
= Constitutes a media fear.
= Attain suitcase freedom.

Bush Gore (Two presidential candidates: George W Bush, Al Gore)
= Ugh! Bores

The House of Representatives
= Thou see there a nest of vipers.

The United States Congress (US legislative body)
= Secretes nastiest hot dung.
= Enthused in greatest costs

Vice President Joseph Lieberman (Democratic VP candidate)
= Semi-senile chap in perverted job

William Hague, leader of the Conservative Party
= Taunt: We have free gay adviser: Michael Portillo!
= Vaunt a race MP? Weve a Tory Adolf Hitler. Sieg heil!

The US presidential election
= Petulant, dire elite is chosen

United States of America
= Eat our fascist dementia
= Resuscitate defamation

The Republican National Committee
= Bump the total in American election!
= Patient, me? I machine-recount ballot!
= Recount the ballot? Im an emetic pain.

The Conservative Party
= Teacher in vast poverty
= Reach vain petty voters
= Re-activate NHS poverty
= O teach perverts vanity
= Tap in the vast recovery

The Conservative Party Conference
= French contraceptive on every seat?

Election promises
= Come-ons – lies – tripe.

Lee Harvey Oswald (Kennedys Assasin)
= Revealed: Who slay.
= Lay overhead. Slew.

Monica Samille Lewinsky
= Slick Willies my A-one man!
= Sick woman lies menially
= Well! My! Amen! sick liaison
= Ya! lick on Williams semen
= Now I am a silly semen lick
= Ya! O Man! I lick Wills semen!
= I see silly woman lick man

President Clinton
= Content in red lips
= e spilt on DC intern

Republican National Committee
= Inept ballot count: America mine!

Al and Tipper Gore
= Preparing to lead

Chief Justice William Rehnquist
= Which crime? Just lie? Inquest fail.
= Lie, wench! Life jurist acquits him.
= Fetches Will in, juries acquit him.

Albert Arnold Gore (Presidential Election — 2000)
= Groaned, Ballot err!

Federal Bureau of Investigation
= If found alive; abuse; interrogate

Senators Albert Gore and Joseph Lieberman (Democratic Partys presidential ticket 2000)
= Sane men do best to rephrase Liberal jargon

Mister Newton Leroy Gingrich (US republican politician, former speaker)
= I control enemy right-wingers.
= Screwing the minority longer.

Ronald Wilson Reagan (US President)
= No, darlings, no ERA law
= Insane Anglo Warlord
= A long-insane Warlord

President George Bush
= the depression bugger!

George Bush with Dick Cheney (Republican Partys presidential ticket 2000)
= Heck, be cheesy, right wing duo!

Ralph Nader (U.S. Public Safety Advocate/Politician)
= Harder plan
= Plan harder

Liberal Democrats
= Creditable morals

George Bush
= He Bugs Gore.

George Herbert Walker Bush (Ex-US President)
= Huge berserk rebel warthog

Signing our Declaration of Independence of the United States of America
= Thirteen Colonies post defiance dead against future foreign dominance

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